About us


As a girl, Anara understands how someone might feel like going through this. This is an important topic, and she has decided to try to solve the problem of harassment on public transportation for all. 


 Maggie relates to this topic because as a girl she has to be cautious of where she goes. Taking public transportation would make her feel very unsafe because of the way the system is right now. She wants to help improve the public transportation system so no one has to feel unsafe and afraid of going through their daily lives.


Ariel:Ariel is a 7th grader. She has lots of family members that live in New York that regularly use public transportation. She wants all of her family and everyone else who struggles with this to feel safer. Ariel is so excited to work with her team. Thanks to Maggie and Anara for helping her with this project. 

You can contact them at: 

Anara: asabine29@windwardschool.org

Maggie:  mgoldberg29@windwardschool.org

Ariel: aadleson29@windwardschool.org