About Us

Hello. We are Jeremy, Ethan, and Hunter. We are students at windward school. We are three friends that wanted to fix a problem together.

Hola. Somos Jeremy, Ethan y Hunter. Somos estudiantes de la escuela de windward. Somos tres amigos que queríamos solucionar un problema juntos.


Hi I am Ethan. I am 13 years old. I am a 7th grade student at windward school. I really enjoy soccer, video games and technology. The fact that I have a compassion for technology is a big part of why I thought it would be a cool idea to make a keyboard that will be more accessible for blind people.

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Hi I'm Hunter, a 13 year old student in 7th grade at Windward. I really like MMA, video games, and computer and keyboard hardware. Because I enjoy tinkering with technology, and I enjoy building keyboards, I agreed that it would be cool to do a project related to keyboards and typing to help the visually impaired. 

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Hi I am Jeremy. I'm a 13 year old student at Windward School. I love football, video games, cooking, and technology. My tech love has led me to put a lot of thought into the fact that the visually impaired are missing out on the same love of tech that has brought me so much joy. This is why I have chosen to help workshop an accessible keyboard to help people share my love of tech through barriers.

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