E-Safety Course for Parents

Making sure your child is safe online is something you may be conscious of now even more than ever. As we have directed our learning online it has significantly increased the time our young people spend online and I would therefore like to highlight the below links.

Windsor Academy Trust has funded ESafety training for every single parent, carer or care provider who wishes to ensure they are fully equipped to know how best to keep children safe online. This means that any parent, step-parent, grandparent etc. who play a role in protecting a child at Windsor Academy Trust wishes to undertake the 1 hour training then they are able to do so free of charge.

School staff have completed the training and highly recommend it to everyone. You do not have to complete it all at once and can return to it as often as you wish.

All guidance about online activities is to have open and honest conversations about internet usage with your child and this course will help you understand what to be aware of and help to learn more about e-Safety yourself as a parent.

Simply follow the below link for your school and complete the details as requested.

Please remember you can contact the school for help and advice about anything as you would have normally, either by email or calling the school directly.

Kind regards

Mr Morley

Primary Academies

Secondary Academies