Reading Rally

Dear Parents and Guardians,

This year your 4th grade child will be participating in the Reading Rally Program! This district-wide program promotes reading from a list of 20 books selected by the District 39 Library Information Specialists. The books are chosen for their high quality, age appropriateness, variety of genres, and diverse reading levels. The end-of-the-year goal is that your child will become a better reader by challenging themselves to read a wider variety of genres and a larger volume of books.

Your child is encouraged to read a minimum of 10 books from the Reading Rally list, but they may set higher individual goals for themselves. In addition to this year’s list, students have the option of choosing books from previous Reading Rally lists. Books from previous years are listed on the Romona Library’s website. Parents are welcome to read a title aloud or together with their child as part of the program. Audio, eBooks, and eAudiobooks are also acceptable and several are available to check out through the Romona Library.

When your child finishes a book, they will turn in a form that is available online through the Romona Library’s website. I will keep track of their Reading Rally progress when the forms are submitted and students will conference with me a minimum of four times throughout the year to check on their progress. I plan to conference with students in October, January, March, and May. All Reading Rally forms need to be submitted by May 23, 2025.

Students who read a minimum of 10 Reading Rally books will be recognized at the 4th Grade Farewell Ceremony in June with a certificate of participation and a bookmark. Students who read 20 Reading Rally books will receive a free book from the spring book fair. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you,

Mrs. Wiechert

Reading Rally Links:



All Reading Rally Books: