Our Thoughts

How To Be Single On Valentine’s Day

By Lauren Pollock

Aww, love. It's such a beautiful thing...especially on Valentine’s Day! The flowers, the heart-shaped boxes of chocolate, the giant teddy bears... isn't it romantic? Well, I wouldn’t know. If you were hoping for a sweet Valentine's Day story, then you’ve come to the wrong place. I’m here to get all of my fellow singles out there through this lovey-dovey day, which, if you think about it, is just a regular day for us.

This year I will officially be celebrating my sixteenth Valentine’s Day being single. It kind of sounds like a great accomplishment, but trust me, it’s not. As a girl who has been single her entire life and is now wondering why she’s announcing this to her entire school, I have some good tips. First thing’s first, you need to treat yourself to sweets. You should buy yourself all of your favorite candies to look forward to at the end of the day. But be sure to keep a few in your bag just in case you have a mental breakdown in the bathroom after seeing all the couples holding hands and giving each other gifts. Comfort candy isn’t something to be ashamed of.

Breakdowns aside, you have to keep yourself in the spirit of Valentine's Day. Wear red or pink to show the world that even though you may be alone, you’re still willing to be a part of the team! Keep your head up and a smile on your face. Don’t worry- you’re doing amazing, sweetie! Now, if all went according to the plan, you should be coming home to a whole bag of candy all to yourself. This brings us to the best part of the day: movie time! After a strenuous day filled with depressing emotions, the best way to unwind is to watch your favorite movie or at least one that makes you feel good. If you’re feeling adventurous, you could even watch a romantic movie (not recommended, but still allowed).

This part might be my favorite of them all. After you finish your movie and most of your candy, have yourself a dance party. Depending on whether you’re in the mood to cry or not, play some music and get your party on! Well, I guess it’s technically not a party since you’re alone, but we won’t talk about that… Some of my favorite songs for this occasion are Pity Party by Melanie Martinez and Prom Dress by mxmtoon. You’re going to want to have the most intensive dance party of your life to get all of those feelings of loneliness out of your system! Once you’ve reached a point where it hurts to stand, let yourself finish up that candy and rest for the remainder of the night.

I understand- it’s been a rough day. But hey, if you’re following along then that means you’ve made it! You’ve survived another Valentine’s Day being so single that it's practically become a personality trait of yours! I’m proud of you! Okay, okay, in all seriousness, this day can be extremely rough for some people. So everyone out there, single and taken, remember to be kind and considerate of those around you. To all my fellow singles, look on the bright side; Valentine’s Day 2021 isn’t for another 365 days!

How to Stay Motivated

By Rachel Ramsdell

Imagine this: it’s the beginning of the new year. You’ve made your New Year’s resolution and are confident that you will achieve it. You start the year off strong, doing what is necessary to achieve your goal. However, once February rolls around, you realize that you didn’t stick to your resolution. Then you feel despondent and start to despise yourself. To add to these unpleasant feelings, the dreary weather lowers your spirit and school isn’t exciting anymore. Does this sound like you? If so, don’t feel bad about it; it happens to most of us, even the most motivated people. While all hope seems lost, there are ways to get your motivation back, even in the midwinter. Here are some tricks to stay motivated in the winter months.

  • Remember your goals and don’t lose sight of them. Create a vision of who and where you want to be in your head. Remember this vision whenever you are feeling low. While it is great to know what your goal is, it is even better to know what your goal looks like, so it seems more real and, therefore, achievable.

  • Find a role model. This can be a friend, parent, teacher, coworker, or book/movie/TV character. Think about what they would do in your situation. You could even surround yourself with motivated people who push you to do your best. If you spend time with people who are “better” than you, you will strive to be more like them.

  • Get competitive. Healthy competition is an effective way to stay motivated. Find someone and think, “I want to do better than them.” As terrible as it sounds, being competitive really works. While beating someone else shouldn’t be the sole reason for doing something, it can be a great way to trick yourself into putting forth more effort. However, don’t get discouraged if they do better than you, for you were just using them to push yourself.

  • Use positive self-talk. If you truly believe that you can do something, you will be more likely to do it. Even if you aren’t confident, just repeat positive affirmations in your head. If you do this enough, you might trick yourself into believing that you actually can do it. It is also helpful to spend time with the people who believe in you.

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt that everyone around you was doing better than you? Does it seem like everyone else is put-together and successful while you’re struggling? The truth is that while it may seem like everyone is doing great, everyone is struggling in their own way, even if they don’t show it. Often we don’t see the full picture, just what we believe it to be, which is usually catered to our fears. While it isn’t easy to simply “not compare yourself to others,” it is a good thing to strive for.

Now you have an urge to do that thing that’s been on your mind. Now what? It depends on your goal. One approach is to dive right in. If you want to improve your grades, get off your phone and do your homework. If you want to lose weight, work out. However, if you are someone who likes to have direction, consider making a plan. I find plans helpful because they make it so you don’t have to make decisions or rely on sheer willpower when you are tired or in a bad mood. I would recommend spending five minutes before going to bed to listen to your favorite songs and create a plan of what you want to do tomorrow.

While motivations aids in the achievement of goals, sometimes you will fail, no matter how motivated you are. No matter how many times you fail and how discouraged you may become, remember that you will make mistakes. Everything is easier said than done. Nevertheless, don’t give up. In order to persevere, you need to believe in yourself and want to achieve your goal so badly that giving up isn’t an option.

Dude Discussions

By Miguel Resendiz and Zach Beasaw

Garbage plates are a traditional dish the must include burgers or hot dogs with meat sauce on the top. The essential required bottom components are mac salad and home fries. You need a 50/50 ratio of both of these bottom elements. If they don’t include these two at a 50/50 ratio then the plate is just garbage, not a garbage plate. You may have heard that David believes you can remove one of the key important ingredients and still have it be considered a garbage plate, BUT he’s wrong. If you replace mac salad with double fries, you basically just have a burger and fries or chili cheese fries.

The restaurants that agree that they are still a garbage plate are just greedy and have no morals. We surveyed several people including Mr. Hollembaek, Officer Dave, and Mrs. Orr. All agree that you have to have mac salad to be a garbage plate.

By David Kellock

Over the last several days we’ve had an ongoing debate about a very important issue: Garbage Plates, the most important issue facing our generation today. The crux of my opinion is that you can have any combination of fries, tater tots, home fries, baked beans, and/or mac salad you want as the bottom and still have it be considered a garbage plate. This is so long as the plate is topped with burgers, hot dogs, meat sauce, etc. for the main dish. Veggie plates are also, sadly, acceptable.

After consulting Nick Tahoes, the origin of this timeless classic called The Garbage Plate they affirmed that you may have double fries instead of a mac salad, which validates my opinion that mac salad is not a requirement for this delicious smorgasbord of flavor. We have also consulted Webster Hots and Penfield Hots (who were somewhat rude when questioned). Both confirmed that you can replace the mac salad with fries with no upcharge and it is still a garbage plate. Therefore, this validates my opinion.

This is advised by me: a double cheeseburger, double fries, and hot meat sauce.

Should we Stop Lying about Santa?

By Rachel Ramsdell December 13, 2019

Most of us have figured out that Santa Claus is not real. Doesn’t it seem wrong to have a significant part of Christmas based on parents lying to their children? Or is it acceptable since it is a tradition?

Before sharing my opinion on the subject, it is necessary to know the history of Santa Claus. The legend of Santa Claus is based off of a monk from modern-day Turkey, St.Nicholas. St.Nicholas was an exceptionally generous person who “gave away all of his inherited wealth and traveled the countryside helping the poor and sick.” In America, Dutch families celebrated St.Nicholas’s death and then “ John Pintard, a member of the New York Historical Society, distributed woodcuts of St. Nicholas at the society’s annual meeting.” These woodcuts showed St.Nicholas with stockings full of toys. Then stores began to use this image of Santa in Christmas promotions. The story of Santa Claus going down chimneys and riding a sleigh pulled by flying reindeer became popular when Clement Clarke Moore wrote “An Account of a Visit from St.Nicholas,” a poem more commonly known as “Twas the Night Before Christmas.” This is just a very brief history of Santa Claus. If you want to learn more, click on the link to read the History.com article that I used to gather my information.


To be honest, I changed my opinion on this topic multiple times before making up my mind. I just need to say that this is my opinion, so please don’t hate me for having a different opinion from you. The opposing arguments are just as valid. I believe that while lying to kids about Santa is part of our culture, it is wrong.

We are taught that lying is wrong. Parents typically punish their kids for lying because when they get older, lying can have negative consequences. By lying to their kids, parents are setting a bad example when they should be leading by example. Also, Christmas celebrates Jesus’s birthday and having lying being associated with that is ironic. Even if lying about Santa is widely accepted in America, that doesn’t mean that it’s right. We shouldn’t blindly do something just because it’s tradition, especially if it feels wrong and goes against our values.

Saying that the presents in the stockings and under the tree on Christmas morning are from Santa devalues the effort that parents put into Christmas. After stressing over finding that popular toy that never seems to be in stores and taking time out of their already busy lives of work and parenthood to go shopping and wrap gifts, parents never receive a “thank you” from their kids because “Santa” brought the presents. Parents deserve more recognition for their work during the stressful holiday season, even if the smiles on their children’s faces are worth it. Also, kids could be more grateful for their Christmas presents if they knew their parents were the ones who bought them. Often kids think about the toys they didn’t receive, even when they got most of the toys on their lists. If a kid verbalizes their disappointment, it would make the parents feel bad, especially after working so hard. A kid who does this shouldn’t even be on the nice list. The kid may find focusing on what they didn’t get acceptable since “Santa” chose not to give them the gift, not the parents. However, if parents were known to be responsible for the presents under the tree, their children would probably show more appreciation since they wouldn’t want to hurt their parents’ feelings after they bought them a lot of presents.

While I believe that parents shouldn’t lie to their kids about Santa, I still love Christmas. It is definitely the best part of winter. I love the joyous and romantic sounds of Christmas music, the white lights on the Christmas tree in my dark living room, the two-week long break from school, and the excitement of unwrapping my presents. I actually enjoy Christmas more now than I did when I believed in Santa. I appreciate the feelings and images associated with the season, rather than just the gifts under the tree (even though I like receiving gifts as well). While the season would not be as magical for kids without Santa, Christmas would still be a magical time of year.

Why Canceled Culture is “Canceled”

By Tessa Miller December 11th, 2019

What does a normal day on Twitter look like? An internet persona who is searching for relevance has decided to cancel someone who’s more successful than them, over nothing or something they did ten years ago. Should this action be justified, or is this internet culture of canceling someone only ruining people’s careers?

This trend began in the toxic world of the beauty community. The most tweeted about hashtag was that internet phenomenon James Charles was “canceled” because he promoted a competitor product of his long-time best friend Tati Westbrook’s vitamin business. Although this may seem like an issue that ended quickly and everyone got over it, that was not the case. For days people were still canceling James Charles and the trend began to spread to other celebrities.

This action of “canceling” a celebrity may seem harmless and attention-seeking, but it can seriously ruin someone’s career. This action gives the victim no chance to defend themselves and causes their reputation to be completely ruined. Even after the victim makes a statement to redeem themself, most times people still believe the person is “canceled” and that their statement is ultimately useless. Now you may be asking, “This only happens to celebrities. Why is this relevant to me?” This culture can carry over into our lives at school and in friend groups. One person may do or say something, whether or not it was a misunderstanding, and have their whole high school experience ruined. If one person in your friend group “cancels” you, chances are the rest will follow and you thus won’t be able to redeem yourself. Ultimately, the toxic culture of canceling someone needs to stop, and although it may seem harmless now, it could happen to you someday.

Are New Year’s Resolutions Effective?

By Lauren Pollock December 10, 2019

In a couple of weeks, 2019 will be behind us and we will venture into the new decade: 2020. Every New Year, people from all around the globe make goals or promises they want to fulfill during the year. This has become a very popular tradition that most people participate in. However, it’s massive popularity begs an important question: are New Year’s resolutions actually worth making?

Most people who make New Year’s Resolutions do it in hopes to improve something about themselves or their lives. This reasoning puts great motive behind the goals, but if you look at it realistically, will people actually follow through with them? I say no, they won’t. Society as a whole seems to not be able to follow through with projects or goals they’ve started. In fact, it’s become a societal norm. People think it’s “relatable” to say you’re going to start a diet and then binge on candy a week later. This is exactly the case when it comes to New Year’s resolutions. Personally, every time I’ve made a New Year’s Resolution, I’ve failed at following through with it. I will admit, there are some people who have found success in their resolutions. New Years just seems to be an excuse to create promises to yourself with no true meaning behind it. If someone truly wanted to follow through on their goals, there are 365 days where they have the opportunity to start.

The Special Thing About Christmas

By Asia Hackworth December 10, 2019

The best thing about Christmas is that you can spend time with your loved ones. It’s not just about the presents: it’s about loving and caring for each other as well as putting smiles on your friends and family’s faces. It’s showing you care about others besides yourself. It's special when you are having a good time with your friends and family on Christmas day. In the end, it all depends on you how you want to celebrate your Christmas because it’s your choice. All that matters is that you have fun at Christmas.

Is Black Friday Worth it?

By Tessa Miller November 25, 2019

Every year millions of Americans decide to go out on Black Friday, the busiest shopping day of the year, as an attempt to receive the best deals. Although the deals may seem once-in-a-lifetime, is it really worth it to leave your warm house and go out in the freezing cold to attempt to buy the newest TV?

Black Friday used to begin on the Friday after Thanksgiving in the early hours of the morning, but now stores open as early as 5pm on Thursday. Shoppers gather on Thanksgiving night, scan the advertisements, and decide on an exact plan of what they will buy. Black Friday deals have been calculated to offer low prices on overstock and excess inventory. Black Friday has expanded as a “holiday,” most people have turned this day into a time to go out with their friends and family. Is it worth it to miss Thanksgiving dinner to join the millions of avid Black Friday shoppers, or should you just stay home in your pajamas and wait for Cyber Monday? That’s for you to decide.

Who Needs Kindness?

We Do!

By Rachel Ramsdell November 13, 2019

On World Kindness Day, we heard many reminders to be kind to each other. As high school students, we are at the age where such reminders can be annoying because we are “too cool” to be kind. However, it is at this age where being kind to others and ourselves is essential. In high school, most people are unsure of themselves, trying to fit in, and struggling to meet the constant demands of school. Needless to say, high school is a difficult time in our lives. Every word we say can have a profound impact on someone: either positive or negative. This is why we must put in the effort to treat others with respect. Even though we may be tired, frustrated, or just not feeling it, it is still necessary to make sure we don’t treat others poorly. Just because you are having a bad day does not mean that everyone else has to. It is especially important to be kind to others when we are not feeling our best. Just being nice to someone else will make you feel better. At the very least, it won’t make you feel worse.

While everyone has been kind to me here in Williamson, I have heard concerns about how our school doesn’t have the positive vibe that it has had in the past. I am not blaming anyone in particular, for there is no one to blame. Also, our school isn’t that bad; we are very lucky to be part of such an amazing and supportive community. However, there are some areas that we as a community can improve upon. One of those is being more positive. Instead of complaining, solve the problem. Instead of talking about someone behind their back, say it to their face. Instead of judging someone else, focus on improving yourself. While it is unrealistic to be positive all of the time, we can at least try to improve.

One of the best ways to become more positive is to treat yourself better. Too often do we neglect our mental health. We are so focused on the assignments to be done, the next sports game, the failing test grade, and what someone said. While schoolwork is important, it is also important to relax once in a while. If you take time to recharge, you will find that you will have more mental clarity and be more productive, which will lead to greater positivity. Positivity is contagious!

Do you want to help make our school a more positive place? If so, join Positivity Club! They meet on Fridays in the guidance office. Everyone is welcome.

Poll Results

Is it too early to have holiday decorations in stores?

October 31, 2019

Poll Results!

Do you like the new bells?