Teaching Strategies (TS) GOLD
Teaching Strategies (TS) GOLD is an ongoing observational assessment tool for teachers to use with children birth through kindergarten. Teachers observe children in the context of everyday routines and experiences in the classroom and record the documentation in the Teaching Strategies app. This helps teachers understand what a child knows, is able to do, and what steps they are ready to take next, which guides the planning and curriculum development process.
Why Ongoing Assessment? Developmentally appropriate, ongoing, observation-based assessment occurs when teachers are observing children during regular, everyday activities on a continuous basis throughout the year. Unlike formal or standardized assessments, which offer a narrow picture of a child’s ability at a given moment, ongoing assessments offer a broad, more meaningful picture of development.
Ongoing Assessment Is:
Happening during regular, everyday activities
Implemented on a continuous basis throughout the year
Helping teachers meet children where they are
Helping children meet challenging and achievable learning goals
A broader and more meaningful picture of development
Ongoing Assessment Is Not
Formal or standardized
A narrow picture of a child’s ability at a given moment
A one-dimensional measure of ability
Performed outside of everyday activities
A screening tool
Children's expected learning and development progressions on TS GOLD are shown with color-coded bands. These bands are based on research and show the levels children are likely to be at throughout a program year based on age. Development and learning can be uneven with ages, so the color bands also overlap, which help teachers guide realistic expectations of children, and see the full spectrum of development at once. The color bands by age are shown below:
TS GOLD is based on 38 objectives in 10 areas of development and learning that are based on school readiness standards. These objectives are listed below and should be posted in each classroom for teachers to references while observing children and creating lesson plans.
1: Regulates own emotions and behaviors
A. Manages feelings
B. Follows limits and expectations
C. Takes care of own needs appropriately
2: Establishes and sustains positive relationships
A: Forms relationships with adults
B: Responds to emotional cues
C: Interacts with peers
D: Makes friends
3: Participates cooperatively and constructively in group situations
Balances needs and rights of self and others
Solves social problems
4: Demonstrates traveling skills
5: Demonstrates balancing skills
6: Demonstrates gross-motor manipulative skills
7: Demonstrates fine-motor strength and coordination
A: Uses fingers and hands
B: Uses writing and drawing tools
8: Listens to and understands increasingly complex language
Comprehends language
Follows directions
9: Uses language to express thoughts and needs
Uses an expanding expressive vocabulary
Speaks clearly
Uses conventional grammar
Tells about another time or place
10: Uses appropriate conversational and other communication skills
Engages in conversations
Uses social rules of language
11: Demonstrates positive approaches to learning
Attends and engages
Solves problems
Shows curiosity and motivation
Shows flexibility and inventiveness in thinking
12: Remembers and connects experiences
Recognizes and recalls
Makes connections
13: Uses classification skills
14: Uses symbols and images to represent something not present
Thinks symbolically
Engages in sociodramatic play
15: Demonstrates phonological awareness, phonics skills, and word recognition
Notices and discriminates rhyme
Notices and discriminates alliteration
Notices and discriminates discrete units of sound
Applies phonics concepts and knowledge of word structure to decode text
16: Demonstrates knowledge of the alphabet
Identifies and names letters
Identifies letter–sound correspondences
17: Demonstrates knowledge of print and its uses
Uses and appreciates books and other texts
Uses print concepts
18: Comprehends and responds to books and other texts
Interacts during reading experiences, book conversations, and text reflections
Uses emergent reading skills
Retells stories and recounts details from informational texts
Uses context clues to read and comprehend texts
Reads fluently
19: Demonstrates writing skills
Writes name
Writes to convey ideas and information
Writes using conventions
20: Uses number concepts and operations
Connects numerals with their quantities
Understands and uses place value and base ten
Applies properties of mathematical operations and relationships
Applies number combinations and mental number strategies in mathematical operations
21: Explores and describes spatial relationships and shapes
Understands spatial relationships
Understands shapes
22: Compares and measures
Measures objects
Measures time and money
Represents and analyzes data
23: Demonstrates knowledge of patterns
24: Uses scientific inquiry skills
25: Demonstrates knowledge of the characteristics of living things
26: Demonstrates knowledge of the physical properties of objects and materials
27: Demonstrates knowledge of Earth’s environment
28: Uses tools and other technology to perform tasks
29: Demonstrates knowledge about self
30: Shows basic understanding of people and how they live
31: Explores change related to familiar people or places
32: Demonstrates simple geographic knowledge
33: Explores the visual arts
34: Explores musical concepts and expression
35: Explores dance and movement concepts
36: Explores drama through actions and language
37: Demonstrates progress in listening to and understanding English
38: Demonstrates progress in speaking English
How to pull & send individualized child reports:
Go to Reports on your TS GOLD account to PDF each child's Individual Report and make sure to show only finalized data for the current and past checkpoints. If the current finalized checkpoint is shown in the child's color band, you have marked them as typically developing in that particular objective. If it is shown to the left, you have marked them behind, and to the right- ahead.
For each child, send their individualized report to the parents with a brief description of what TS GOLD is and why we use it to assess our children here at Wildflower. Please also make sure you are ready to discuss each child's outcomes with parents and answer any questions they have before sending their reports. Reports should be sent out to parents no later than two weeks after the checkpoint's due date.
Parent-teacher conferences are always available to parents who request one or have a concern. Please let us know if someone requests a conference, or if you'd like to schedule a conference with any particular parent.
Here is a sample blurb about TS GOLD to introduce or remind parents about the assessment (edit/add as you would like):
Teaching Strategies (TS) GOLD is an authentic, ongoing observational system for assessing children from birth through kindergarten. It helps teachers to observe children in the context of everyday experiences, which is an effective way to learn what they know and can do. It's based on 38 objectives for development and learning that include predictors of school success and are based on school readiness standards. The objectives are aligned with the Common Core State Standards, state early learning guidelines, and the Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework. These objectives are at the heart of the system; teachers use them to focus their observations as they gather information to make classroom decisions. Ongoing Assessment is happening during regular everyday activities, implemented on a continuous basis throughout the year, helping teachers meet children where they are, helping children meet challenging and achievable learning goals, and a broader and more meaningful picture of development. It is not formal or standardized, a narrow picture of a child's ability at a given moment, a one-dimensional measure of ability, or performed outside of everyday activities.
Attached is your child's individualized TS GOLD report for the Winter checkpoint. Children's expected learning and development progressions on TS GOLD are shown with color-coded bands. These bands are based on research and show the levels children are likely to be at throughout a program year based on age. Development and learning can be uneven with ages, so the color bands also overlap, which help teachers guide realistic expectations of children, and see the full spectrum of development at once. The color bands by age are shown below:
If a child's checkpoint is shown to the left of their color band, either the teachers have not seen the skill demonstrated by the child to the fullest potential, or the child may be behind in that particular objective, based on their age. If they are shown to the right of the color band, the teachers have documented that child as showing advanced skills in that particular objective, based on their age. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions you might have about TS GOLD or your child's seasonal report.