Schooling & Sponsership

About the school

The school is attended by around 250 children from Dumbutu and its surrounding area. The new school, partly funded by the Link, was built in 1990. Currently 83 children now have their education partially funded by East Devon residents.

nursery school

(5-7 years) no government funding, The link has provided help with roof repairs and books for the nursery school and the village primary school which has minimal funding,

Student Sponsorship

Education Sponsorship scheme

The sponsorship of children’s education in Dumbutu has proved a very popular scheme. Sponsors generally contribute £25 which helps to pay for one child's primary education for a year Some sponsors pay annually and others monthly or quarterly, whichever suits them best. A few choose to contribute more than £25 which is of course a matter for the individual. Originally sponsors nominated a specifically named child’s primary education but this has proved to be difficult to monitor as children moved in and out of primary education.

As a Registered charity, we have agreed strict accounting rules with the Head-master of the Dumbutu school and all monies donated goes where it is needed. There are no administration or bureaucracy charges! The head-master keeps us informed of the numbers requiring sponsorship.

Students move to an Upper Basic (Junior Secondary) School at the age of 11, 12 and 13 for a further three years to grade nine. Some then go to a senior secondary school for a further 3 years where they sit GCE examinations and if successful they may go on to a University but we can only fund them until year nine.

The school in Dumbutu is attended by around 250 children from Dumbutu and its surrounding area. The new school, partly funded by the Link, was built in 1990. Currently 83 children now have their education partially funded by East Devon residents.