WHEA Out There

Welcome Back Everyone! We are looking forward to a dynamic quarter with ample opportunities for hands-on progress on projects.

Quick Access - Items available for view or download:

Q2 Due Dates

TMS Exemplar - Coming Soon!

TMS - 1 week - pdf

Helping Hands Form - See your TMS for originals, can print additional if need. You will need at least 8 hours for Q2!

Oral Communications Worksheet - See your TMS for originals, can print additional if need. You will need at least 5 for Q2!

Q2 ESS assignment - for First Years

Q2 ESS assignment - for Returning Students - Coming Soon!

Q2 PTP assignment - Coming Soon!

Productivity Rubric - Need to complete one for each project by the end of the quarter.

Grading Calculator for Integrated Courses

These are just a few, all of your online grading sheets and rubrics are in the Forms Box.

Please check out our website that has a collection of HS project final products from last year. Email us if you want to add your page in!