Using Assessment Findings to Increase Equity


2021-2022 Implementation Co-Chairs

Ciji Heiser, Western Michigan University

Shannon Milligan, University of California at San Diego

Allison Maldonado, Tarrant County College

Renata Opoczynski, Michigan State University

Glenn Phillips, Howard University

2020-2021 Writing Co-Chairs

Ciji Heiser, Western Michigan University

Shannon Milligan, University of California at San Diego

Erick Montenegro, Pell Institute

Plan Overview

Goal 1: Promote existing and create new equitable assessment practices 

1.1: Identify and share equitable assessment practices

1.2: Benchmark use and efficacy of equity-centered practices in assessment

1.3: Acknowledge and celebrate equitable practices in assessment nationally and locally 

Goal 2: Create professional development to support the practice of equitable assessment

2.1: Create an accessible online library of professional development resources

2.2: Develop strategies to empower students to contribute to assessment of learning 

​Goal 3: Engage with existing structures to increase equity 

3.1: Assess and improve equity and validity in national surveys and datasets

3.2: Engage with accrediting agencies to create standards that support equity

3.3: Create tools and guidelines to identify inequities

Read More

Heiser, C.A. & Milligan, S. (2021).  A roadmap for using assessment findings to increase equity. Assessment Update, 33: 8-12.

Milligan, S. Rhodes, T. Opoczynski, R., Nastal, J., Heiser, C., & Caravan, M. (2021). Equity in assessment: The grand challenge and exploration of the current landscape. Intersection: A Journal at the Intersection of Assessment and Learning, 2(3).

Moreno, K. & Song,  X. (2021). Intentional stakeholder engagement that fosters innovation and equity. Intersection: A Journal at the Intersection of Assessment and Learning, 2(3).

Phillips, G.A., Wu, S., Bloom, J.D., Jones, J.M., Janetski, B.K., Fu, J., Billman, J., Ramirez, F.A., & Opocyynski, R. (2023). Assessment professionals as change agents: Enhancing equity in our own backyard. Emerging Dialogues in Assessment.

Singer-Freeman, K. E. & Bastone, L., & Montenegro, E. (2022). Models and approaches to equity in assessment. G. Henning, G. Baker, N. Jankowski, A. Lundquist, and E. Montenegro (Eds.) Reframing Assessment to Center Equity: Theories, Models, and Practice. Stylus Publishing