Mission, Vision, Values, Goals.


The mission of WFMY is "To love God, love people, and make disciples."


Our vision as a youth group is "To be a welcoming community that is growing in faith through discipleship, fellowship, service, and worship that impacts the world for Christ."


Our core values that we stand upon are:

Discipleship: Expressed through Biblical messages, small group discussion, at-home opportunities for growth, and accountability.

Fellowship: Expressed through the inclusion of others, joyful gatherings, and non-judgemental attitudes.

Service: Expressed through frequent opportunities to engage in service projects, mission trip opportunities, and opportunities for family engagement.

Worship: Expressed through praying for and with each other, singing together, and engaging in holy living.


Our goals are that everyone who is part of the WFMC youth will...

Feel included,

Grow in faith,

Learn spiritual disciplines,

Adopt a posture of worship,

Become a positive influence for others,

Become a servant leader,

Make lifelong relationships,

Learn to hold each other accountable