What is graphic design?

Graphic design is all around us. Beyond our computers, design is found everywhere. From logos and fonts on stores, to billboards we drive past, our world as we know it is heavily impacted by the designs of others. Essentially, graphic design is just visual communication. It is how we speak to others and get messages across without actually having to say much.

 3 techniques of graphic design

1. Legible

Whether it is a pamphlet with a whole bunch of paragraphs or a poster with nothing but a two word title, it is important that everything you design is legible. Designers are constantly communicating a message, so if something is difficult for people to read or understand, then the designs are not as effective as they should be. Legibility is key to making an effective design!

2. Hierarchical

The order in which people view the content in your designs is super important in being a successful graphic designer. This is especially true in designing websites and apps because designers create the flow for users to navigate on these platforms. If a button is hard to find or if text that should be bold is hidden somewhere on the page, it is really difficult for users to find the information they need.

Visual hierarchy can also be true for print designs such as posters. Imagine seeing a poster about a live music concert, but not being able to see the time of the event on the poster. If hierarchy is executed poorly in a design, people would have to view your designs a handful of times before comprehending it. Great hierarchy avoids this issue!

3. Intentional

Every design choice must be intentional- meaning there are not really mistakes in graphic design. Sometimes things we do not plan happen and it ends up looking great- that is a happy accident! We love those! But when we say everything must be intentional, it means that you have thought about every choice and observed the final outcome of your design multiple times before finalizing it.

Choosing a font, a color, the placement of something must all be well thought out. By having intentionality in your designs, it shows people that you really know what you are doing and how to accurately convey your messages in your designs.