PBIS and Social Emotional Learning

Social Emotional Learning Resources for Parents

Greenbush Elementary continues to support students with PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) and SEL (Social Emotional Learning) for the 2022-23 school year. Greenbush has been using PBIS since 2013 to provide positive behavior supports for all students in order to provide an equitable learning environment and improve teaching and learning throughout the school. Every year the school refines its systems, data collection and practices for teaching behavioral expectations. The focus is on a positive approach towards students’ behaviors.This is the opposite of what happened in schools traditionally where misbehaviors were met with loss of privileges and reprimands. The three tenets: Be Respectful, Be Responsible and Be Safe are highlighted throughout the building. Each grade level met as a team to discuss what it means to be respectful, responsible and safe in the halls, cafeteria, classrooms, restrooms, playground, on the bus and when using technology. Visit the Greenbush web site to view the presentation. 

Greenbush will complement their PBIS program with a social and emotional learning curriculum. Greenbush Elementary will be joining the other elementary schools in West Warwick to implement the Second Step social-emotional program. Research shows that SEL improves achievement by an average of 11 percentile points, and also increases prosocial behaviors like kindness, sharing and empathy. SEL instruction also improves student attitudes toward school, and reduces depression and stress among students (Edutopia, 2016). The teachers will be working side by side with the school’s guidance counselor and social worker. The SEL curriculum units include: Skills for Learning, Empathy, Emotion Management and Problem Solving. 

Greenbush Elementary School celebrates Gator Greatness every day with the Gator Great Pledge, and on Fridays with the Gator Great Store and student recognition.

To have “Gator Greatness”, I promise to be respectful and responsible.  I will be ready and eager to learn each day and to be safe at all times.

When students earn 10 Gator Great green tickets they exchange them for a Gator Buck and those students are recognized over the school’s intercom. The gator buck is used to choose prizes from the Gator Great Store, and the class with the most gator bucks for the week hosts the Gator Great Award.