General School & Contact Information

The last day of school is Thursday, June 13th.  Greenbush dismisses at 11:50 and no lunch will be served.  Have a safe and relaxing summer!  

2023-2024 REVISED school calendar 8-9-23.pdf
2023-2024 Explanation of Dates

General Greenbush Information

School hours - 8:45-2:55

Arrival - between 8:30-8:45

Meals - we encourage healthy meals



ASPEN Parent Portal

The Aspen Parent Portal is the way the school communication information such as class placements, attendance,  grades and conduct referrals.  Please use the link to set up an account: Activate your Aspen Account .  Call the school during regular business hours if you need assistance at 401-822-8454.

Please note that the only adults allowed to pick are those on your contact list in Aspen.  If you feel like more names need to be added, please reach out to the school.

Apple Crunch Day at Greenbush