frequently asked questions

  1. How do I find out important information? You receive emails and messages via DayCare Works, SchoolMessenger, and SeeSaw from teachers and the Site Director.

  2. Can I change my schedule? Schedule changes are permitted with notice depending on availability. Contact the Site Director to make your request.

  3. What does reserved care mean on the calendar? Reserved care means that you must sign your learner up to receive care for the dates provided. If you do not need care on a reserved care date, then you are not charged.

  4. Can I bring a cold lunch? YES! You can provide your child a cold lunch. Please make sure ALL items are peanut and tree nut free. Milk and water will be provided.

  5. Can my child have some cold lunch items and some hot lunch items? Unfortunately we cannot serve components from both a hot lunch and your child's cold lunch.

  6. Is other outside food allowed? We cannot allow other outside food unless your child qualifies for meal accommodations due to a food allergy or dietary restriction. (See your Site Director for Meal Modification Form)

  7. Where do we park for drop off/pick up and enter the building? We suggest using the South parking lot. There are three reserved parking spaces for Early Childhood drop-off and pick-up. At the top of the steps, you will ring the buzzer to gain access to the building.

  8. Can I drop off my learner at the door? For safety purposes, we ask that all learners are walked into the building to where the learner's group is located, signed in with a classroom teacher by their authorized pickup person/guardian/parent. We ask that an authorized adult, picks up the learner and signs them out with the classroom teacher.