
On Fri, Mar 1, 2024 at 9:06 AM Melissa Miller <> wrote:

Update on Concessions:

We are in good shape for next week!

- Parents have generously donated most snacks requested on the sign-up genius

- We will be selling candy, chips, baked goods and water

- We will also be selling Aristocat-themed merch including cat / dog / geese ears and key chains

- A new addition this year, we will be selling chocolate roses which kids / adults can attach a note to for members of the play! 

- All proceeds will go towards the play costs (this year if needed and rolling foward)

- Our ask: A few volunteers to work the concession stand for the 3 shows.  Set-up 30mins before the show and then you can pop into the auditorium for showtime

- We also have a few slots available for additional snack donations

- Donations should be dropped at Natalie Gagnon’s house by Wednesday next week

- We will be setting up the tables between the doors to the auditorium during the school day Friday, 3/8

- Contact Melissa Miller, Natalie Gagnon, Anne Kane or Wendi Lask if you would like to help!

There is a Concession Stand in the lobby that needs to be manned before and after (but not during) all three shows (not including the show during the school day on Thursday).

Items include home-baked goods, store-bought baked goods, candy, chips (gluten free options, too) plus non-edible treats (such as dog ears in 2023 in honor of the play).  There were also surprise-filled "doggie bags" that were a big hit.

In 2023, Lauran Wenitzky & Lisa Kussell ran the concessions (for "101 Dalmatians").

They spent approximately $1000 and sold $3400 worth of food and show-related items = balance $2400

Mrs. Propp has a paper receipt of all items bought.

2024 Update

Hi Mrs. Propp,

We wanted to give you an update on the Concessions stand.  We have been busy planning but haven’t been able to make the Friday meetings so wanted to pass along the latest.  

We formed our planning group with Anne Kane, Natalie Gagnon, Wendi Lask and Melissa Miller. We had a call with Lauran who ran Concessions last year and she passed along details and lessons learned from last year.  

We are planning to send around a signup genius next week to the 5th grade parents asking for volunteeers to work at the concession stand for each of the three shows. We are also asking for donations of packaged snacks (candy, chips, rice krispie treats) and baked goods (individually wrapped with ingredients listed).  We are going to sell the donated snacks along with some fun Artistocat themed merchandise (key chains, stuckers, cat ears).  We will coordinate with Wendy on publicity to make sure we don’t overlap on the cat ears.  We are also coordinating with Vivian to send out the email to the parents.

We are also thinking of having individual roses / flowers that parents / kids / friends can buy and attached a note to give to the kids in the play.  

We are happy to pass along any left over snacks for the cast party.  Let us know if Amanda needs any help planning. 

Please let us know any questions or ideas.  We are so excited for the play and appreciate all of your hard work with the kids! 

Thank you!

Anne, Natalie, Wendi and Melissa

Letter sent to all Grade Five Families on 2/15/24:

Hi 5th Grade Parents! 

We are all excited for the 5th Grade play!  We are getting ready for the concession stand that will be open during the three shows and we need your help! Please use the link below to sign up to donate packaged or baked goods or to volunteer to work a shift during one of the shows. We will be selling all of the donated goods along with some fun Aristocat themed merchandise.

All proceeds from the concession stand will go towards the production costs for the play.

Thank you for your support! 

Please contact us with any questions or to get involved -

Natalie Gagnon, Anne Kane, Wendi Lask and Melissa Miller