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When is the play?

The play is on Thursday, March 7th during the school day for staff and students (we will need adults to help with costume and set changes), Friday, March 8th at 7:00 pm and Saturday, March 9th at 12:00 pm and 1:45 pm.

Where is the play?

Green's Farms School (not to be confused with Green's Farms Academy) is located just off the Post Road in Westport, CT on 17 Morningside Drive South. https://gfs.westportps.org/

Who is in the play?

All Grade Five Students at GFS are invited to participate as actors, singers, dancers, stage crew (including sets, props, make-up and costumes).  Auditions were held the first week in January and the "audition committee" consists of two of the GFS music teachers, as well as an anonymous judge who is a teacher at another school in Westport who has a background in theater.

My child is hesitant to participate; s/he is very shy!  Can you help?

We will do everything in our power to make your child feel comfortable.  For now, there is no need to make a commitment; since we don't start rehearsals until January we can talk to the 5th graders casually during the next few months to get them excited.  We hope to find jobs (big and small) for every fifth grader; in the past we've had some very eager students participate fully with lead roles, chorus parts and backstage crew, while others make posters or help at the Bake Sales.  We will work together with you to find a perfect spot for your child.


We ask students to sing one of the songs from the show and say a few lines.  We will ask them to first submit a video so they can practice at home before they have to perform. Then, once we have chosen a few possible actors for each part, we will ask students to come sing and act in person.  Last year, we asked people who have zero connection to GFS to participate in our Audition Panel; this was the fairest way for us to choose the parts.

When are the rehearsals?

Rehearsals are primarily on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays after school from dismissal (~3:40) until 5:30 pm. 

Where should I pick up my student at 5:30 after rehearsals on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays?

At the doors in the front of the building (not the bus loop).