6th Grade

Unit 1: Cognados, colores + el alfabeto

6th grade will begin the year learning how to identify cognates: words that look and sound similar in more than 1 language. There are over 20,000 cognates shared between English and Spanish and it is very important for students to be able to use context clues to identify them in everyday situations.

We will also be reviewing colors in Spanish, which students will use to create simple sentences when describing cognates (el pan es café, la radio es azeul etc.).

Finally, students will practice spelling their name using Spanish letters. You can check out a video of their introductions on Flip!. (Linked on Google Classroom).

We will be taking our benchmark the week of 9/18. Please have your student complete all activities on Google Classroom and practice vocabulary with the following activities:



¡Feliz otoño!


¡Bienvenidos, G6!

Our first week together, we will be practicing how to introduce ourselves by saying, "Me llamo ____"  and will focus on goal setting. We will also be discussing the importance of Spanish in our everyday lives and how we can use Spanish in school and in our future careers. Be sure to ask your student about their individual goals are for the year!


Maestra Amaral