Marshal Authorizations

Marshal Authorization Information & Requirements

Per the Western Armored Combat Manual and Marshals Handbook, to be authorized as a marshal, one must:

Link to form to submit Proof of Membership for West Kingdom Marshal Authorizations.

Marshal Authorization Expiration Dates

Marshal authorizations will expire on the date your waiver expires. You can find this information on the Waiver Information page.

Senior Marshal Authorizations

In addition to the requirements above, those requesting to be authorized as a Senior Marshal must be approved by the Earl Marshal (Heavy and Thrown Weapons), Kingdom Heavy Marshal (Heavy), or Kingdom Rapier Marshal (Rapier).

Senior Heavy Marshal Application

If you are interested in becoming a Senior Heavy Marshal and have not already received approval from the Earl Marshal or Kingdom Heavy Marshal, you must complete the Senior Heavy Marshal Application form. As with any other kind of application, applying does not guarantee that you will be approved.