West Kingdom Authorizations


10 July  2024

I am missing waivers and proof of membership for some folks currently listed on the database. There are three buckets of missing things:

Combatants: If I am missing your waiver, your combatant authorizations expired on June 30th.

Marshals: If I am missing your waiver and/or proof of membership, your marshal authorizations expired on June 30th.

If I do not receive everything you are missing by the end of the week (July 14th) you will be removed from the database and your authorizations will be revoked. If I have your email on file, you should have received an email with this information. If you did not receive an email and your database entries show that you are missing the waiver and/or proof of membership, please email me at authorizations@westkingdom.org so that I can add your information to the contact list.