Finna Kottr Godormsdottir

Finna kǫttr Goðormsdóttir

I started in the SCA with my mom when I was 2 years old. When in high school, I took classes to learn to sew my own clothes. I grew up in the Shire of Mountain's Gate and lived in the Kingdom of An Tir for a few years before moving back to the Kingdom of the West. I am currently the Baroness of the Barony of Rivenoak, and the West Kingdom Youth Combat Marshal.

While I like to do a lot of different arts and crafts, my main arts are illumination and calligraphy. In 2009 I started doing medieval illumination. In 2014 I was taken on as an apprentice to Mistress Hilarie the Puppeteer. At that time I also started working on my calligraphy hands and have recently become apprenticed to Sir Bjorn Jorsalfar of Bearhaven. I have completed 24 official scrolls for the Kingdom of the West and the Principality of Cynagua.

All of my illuminated work, so far, is done on a paper called pergamenata, which is a modern version of a vegetable vellum and is widely used by scribes. I use Windsor Newton Gouache and Speedball acrylic ink. My scroll sizes range from 11"x 14" to 16"x 20". If someone requests a scroll of a different size, I work with them on what they need.

Current Works in Progress

AoA on 27.5"x39" pergamenata, based on the Stora Hammars I image stone, Gotland Sweden, 7th Century

An Ash leaf based on the style of the de Bar Breviary, 1303, France.

A Rose leaf. Based on the Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry, 1416, France.

Recently Finished Works

A Rose Leaf 11x 14, based on de Bar Breviary, 1303, France. Finished September 14, 2020

Barony of Rivenoak Heraldry done for a Scribal competition. 5"x7" Finished August 2020

An illuminated song. Style based on Grandes Chroniques de France, 1370-1375, France. Finished July 2020

An illuminated song. Style based on the Hours of John the Fearless, 1415, France. Finished June 2020

Some of my Best Work

A Pelican scroll based mainly on Luttrell Psalter, 1340, England. Finished January 2020.

An AoA based on the Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry, 1416, France. Finished June 2018

An AoA based on the Hours of Catherine of Cleves, 1460, Netherlands. Finished February 2017

Close up of the illuminated capital E

Close up of the charioteer

Close up of the pomegranates

Scribal Trading Cards

All Trading cards are done on 2.5"x 3.5" pergamenata paper with gouache and super black acrylic ink for calligraphy and/or black lining.

Finna Kottr's Artisan Display Guestbook.