Frequently Asked Questions
Here are answers to some of the more frequently asked questions regarding the strategic planning process.
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Q: What is a Strategic Plan and what does the process entail?
Simply put, the Westfield Public School District’s Strategic Plan will serve as a five-year blueprint that clearly defines our priorities and our vision for ensuring the success of all of our students. The process for developing a Strategic Plan involves a collection of district data and stakeholder feedback that will be used by a core planning team (Strategic Planning Council) who will synthesize the feedback into Goals and Objectives. The administration will then craft the accompanying action plan. The final Strategic Plan was completed in early Fall 2023, with Board approval on October 17, 2023.
Q: How was the Strategic Planning Council selected?
Each president of the district's collective bargaining units (administrators, teachers, paraprofessionals, secretaries, and custodians) was asked to identify employees willing to serve on the Strategic Planning Council. All members of the Board of Education also were invited to serve on the council.
Q: How does the District ensure that all voices are represented?
The District held three stakeholder sessions on October 26 for staff, November 2 for parents / community members, and November 3 for students in grades 9-12. The facilitators utilized a S.W.O.T. analysis approach with participants to help identify the district's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Students in Grades 9-12, all staff, parents, and community members also were invited to complete a survey to further share their input. Additionally, when a quorum of Board members is present at a meeting of the Strategic Planning Council, members of the public are invited to speak. Throughout Strategic Planning Council deliberations, the school community was invited to provide feedback on various aspects of the process through online forms.