The Tamaques Pride

December 2, 2022

Hello Tamaques! We are excited to present to Tamaques School, The Kindness Tree! Created by three of our 5th grade students, Julianna DeTrolio, Lola Tanki, and Chloe Allen, with the help of Ms. Dawer and Mrs. Echeverry, The Kindness Tree has been presented to our Tamaques students as a school-wide kindness project. Students have pledged to perform acts of kindness which they have written on handmade leaves and placed inside the tree. Throughout the year, students will be recognized during morning announcements for their kindness pledges. We are proud of the 5th graders initiative, as well as all of our students in helping to promote & spread kindness in our school and community

Reminder: December 9, 2022      Picture Re-Take & 5th Grade Yearbook Photo.

Please make sure you email your child's teacher if they will be having a re -take. 

Tamaques Kindness Tree!

On the Horizon...

Music can change the World!

Tamaques School started off the year in great musical style! First grade students have been learning all about rhythm and beat with lots of movement activities and dances like ones we call the "Tiptoe Dance!"

Second graders are embarking on THE musical journey that is The Nutcracker. We are actively listening and analyzing the different elements of music while working through a "color by sound" activity. 

Third and Fourth graders have begun to explore instrument families and the different timbres found in the orchestra. We started with a favorite book, "The Remarkable Farkle McBride," and tested our knowledge by playing "Instrument Imposters." Try your hand at identifying the instrument timbres! 

Fifth graders are hard at work preparing for their winter chorus concert, and have been practicing those songs as well as fun layered songs called canons in music class. 

The whole school is looking forward to hearing the winter concerts of the band, chorus, and orchestra in December. We have so much to look forward to! 

 Mrs. Colabaugh & Mrs. Fatis

The Arts and Science are essential components to our students education at Tamaques School . Our students love participating in lessons, activities and investigations that foster creativity, explorations and communication skills. This week in art, our 2nd graders began creating their own galaxies and our 3rd graders are learning how to weave. In Science, our 4th graders are learning how to make in-depth observations by examining four different soil types. 

Grade 2 Art

Grade 2 Art

Grade 2 Art

Grade 2 Art

Grade 3 Art

Grade 3 Art 

Grade 4 Science

Grade 4 Science

Grade 4 Science

Grade 4 Science

For more information, please visit our school website