Our curriculum is built around the word IMPACT. 

This is following extensive work with the staff and children in our school ensuring that our curriculum is ambitious, challenging and engaging for all our students.  

At West End Primary School, we aim to provide a broad, knowledge-rich curriculum for all, which develops aspirational pupils who are motivated to learn and succeed.

The children in this school are encouraged to work collaboratively with others, listening carefully to differing perspectives and sharing ideas with empathy, compassion and respect.  The school teaches children how to stay safe both in the real world and online.  Pupils are taught how to develop positive, healthy relationships and how to take responsibility for their actions.

In line with British values, they display tolerance of others, appreciating different traditions, values and cultures.  Individual liberty is celebrated alongside mutual respect and personal responsibility.

Pupils’ natural sense of curiosity is nurtured in order to engage and enthuse them in their learning.  They are encouraged to take responsibility for their own development; thinking critically, solving problems and facing new challenges with resilience and determination.  Our children understand that perseverance and hard work lead to success.

As a school, we aim to empower children to express themselves creatively and communicate confidently so they are ready and prepared for a modern world in which they can achieve.