What is Kami?

Kami is a tool for modifying documents digitially. With the ability to create a unique and completely online copy, students can utilize Kami as a digital pen and paper to modify documents. Annotation on top of book copies, pdfs, and other documents make this a classroom staple.

How do I log in?

Kami is available to West Allegheny School District employees and can be integrated with assignments, including ones in Canvas 

Log in with your district e-mail utilizing Google Authentication

Installing Kami To Your Device 

1. Download and install the Kami extension

 2. Create a Kami login  using your West Allegheny E-mail Address

 3. Open up Kami either from the above link or the extension in the Chrome extensions.

 Connecting Your Google Drive To Kami 

1. Open Google Drive

 2. Right-click on a PDF file 

3. Hover over Open

 4. Select Connect more apps 

5. Search for Kami and select Connect When Google Drive