Studio Overview

Essential Question

What is My Truth?

As we go through life, we are on a constant journey to figure out who we are and how we fit in to this world. This is a common theme explored in literature and diverse media in general. 

As you begin your high school journey, it is also a great time to begin to explore your identity. To begin to question the “truth” that surrounds you, and determine for yourself the truths you wish to hold onto and which you are ready to let go of.

This studio will examine other peoples' truth on the way to exploring and creating our own. As we examine our truth we will encounter several readings and writing skills that will help us grow both academically and personally. 

In this studio we will work to develop competencies in literacy, which is the comprehension of written, spoken, and watched mediums of communication. We will also develop writing and communication skills. 


In this studio we will work to develop competencies in literacy, which is the comprehension of written, spoken, and watched mediums of communication. We will also develop writing and communicating skills. 

Use the competency guide to direct your learning. 

ELA 1 - Critical Reading

ELA 2 - Writing Effectively

ELA 3 - Collaborative Discussion


This milestone focuses on developing reading strategies. Learning and using reading strategies help create a better understanding of the things we read, watch and listen to. By understanding the way these strategies work we are able to use these same strategies in other subject areas. 


This milestone focusses on understanding different types of narrative techniques. We will learn about figurative and sensory language, as well as ways to add dialogue to expand our stories. Story-telling is a great skill to have. Think about how frequently you have told a story to a friend. Sometimes as I listen to stories from others I get bored, lose interest, and stop paying  attention. But we share experiences and want to be heard. By learning how to use narrative techniques in our writing will also help us become better communicators and speak in a way people will want to listen. 


This milestone contains five learning opportunities that help you create your performance task. Your performance task will be using the narrative techniques to create your own personal truth narrative. 


This milestone provides a structure for learning to work collaboratively with a peer to provide and receive feedback in order to improve communication. This assignment is made up of four performance tasks. Three that center around collaborative discussion and one writing tasks that ensures both teacher and peer feedback was used to make significant and impactful revisions to your personal truth narrative.