Welcome to the Kingfisher Class Summer page. We hope that you will find this an interesting and useful resource.  Here we will share information about our learning as well as upcoming events.  

Hopefully it will answer many of the questions that you have, but as always please do not hesitate to make contact should you have any queries.

Enjoy! Mrs S and Mrs M


Summer Term in Kingfisher Class

Termly Overview Term 5

Termly Overview Year 3 Term 5.docx

Summer Term in Kingfisher Class

Term 5, Week 1

Welcome back to term 5. Here we go for your weekly round up!

27 Year 3 Weekly Spellings Issued:T5W1 (SS5,Perms)

Term 5, Week 2

It has been lovely to see so many of our parents and carers this week and discuss the childrens' progress in all areas of school life. In school we have welcomed our Bath Spa Teacher - Miss Phillips and she is thoroughly enjoying getting to know Kingfisher Class. 

28 Year 3 Weekly Spellings Issued:T5W2 (SS5,Perms)

Term 5, Week 3

Kingfisher Class are really working well as a group - exemplifying our collaboration value here at Welton. It's been a week with lots of learning from everyone. Miss Phillips has also begun teaching more lessons, and gave out the certificates in assembly today. It is lovely to have her as part of our Kingfisher team. We are seeing a surge in courage from the Kingfishers as they become more confident to have a go and not be afraid to make mistakes (and learn from them!). Well done team.

29 Year 3 Weekly Spellings Issued:T5W3 (SS5,Perms)

Term 5, Week 4

Yay! The sun came out at last. Here's our weekly roundup...

30 Year 3 Weekly Spellings Issued:T5W4 (SS5,Perms)

Term 5, Week 5

Yay! The sun has stayed with us for our Sports Day! It was lovely that so many of you could join us. We had an amazing morning too doing dance and having fun with Bath Rugby.

31 Year 3 Weekly Spellings Issued:T5W5 (SS5,Perms)

Term 5, Week 6

Wow how this term has flown past! We hope you enjoy the photos below of us conducting experiments, enjoying sports day and engaging in some practical maths work on time! Have a relaxing half term and let's hope the sun shines for us this week and throughout term 6.

32 Year 3 Weekly Spellings Issued:T5W6 (SS5,Perms)

Term 6 Termly Overview

Copy of Termly Overview Term 6

Term 6, Week 1

At the end of her penultimate week in Kingfisher class, Miss Phillips has written our blog....

Another lovely week in Kingfisher class! We learned about D-day on Thursday in a thought-provoking assembly by Mr Lyle. On Friday we welcomed visitors from the Sai international school from India. We enjoyed learning about Indian culture and festivals, colouring in

pictures from the story of Rath Yatra.

In English this week we began our new topic of using descriptive language in narratives. We looked at a picture of a house from a magical forest and created a collaborative word bank of adjectives. We discussed synonyms we could use to make our narratives more powerful. We will continue writing our pieces next week.

In maths we finished the topic of time and began our new unit of shapes. We have looked at direction and practised turning clockwise and anti-clockwise. We looked at right angles and found some around the classroom. Can your Kingfisher find any right angles at home?

In science we learned about how plants reproduce. After labelling the reproductive parts in plants, we dissected a flower and drew pictures of the stamen, pisil, and the petals.

In music we used glockenspiels to play along with Bob Marley’s Three Little Birds. We practised A and G and took turns in playing each note collaboratively.

In PE we began our new topic of cricket. We practised bowling and batting, ending the lesson with playing cricket in small groups.

In RE we continued our learning about Islam. We watched videos of a young Muslim praying and wrote down significant information about his prayer rituals. Can your Kingfisher remember how many times a day Muslims pray?

In geography we looked at a map of Europe and talked about which countries we recognised. We found Europe on a globe and labelled our own maps.

In French we learnt about fruit and vegetables nouns. We practised saying I like/I don’t like (je mange/je ne mange pas!), along with other fruits and vegetables.

In art we explored mark making on a variety of textures. We rubbed wax crayons on paper across different surfaces, such as the wall, a chair, and even a shoe! We then drew pictures on top of our rubbings.

In PSHE we debated as to whether we needed rules, and what was the reason for them existing. We then ordered certain rules by their importance.

33 Year 3 Weekly Spellings Issued:T6W1 (SS5,Perms)

Term 6, Week 2

This was my last week in Kingfishers class! I have loved getting to know all of you and have enjoyed teaching and learning with you. I will miss you all very much, thank you for being superstars. Miss Phillips. 

In English this week we finished our slow write about the fairy tale house in the forest, ensuring we used lots of descriptive language and synonyms. 

In maths we practice measuring accurately in cm and mm, and compared horizontal and vertical lines. Can your Kingfisher find horizontal or vertical lines around the house? 

In science we looked at seed dispersal, watching videos of scientists discussing how plants distribute their seeds across distances. 

In PE we practised bowling and batting in a game of cricket. 

In music we used drums to create a rhythmic pattern to Bob Marley’s music. 

In RE we learnt about the ritual that Muslims have before praying. 

In geography we chose to write about France, the United Kingdom, and Italy. We looked at fact files and chose interesting facts from them. Can your Kingfisher remember any? 

In French we looked at plurals, counting fruits and vegetables. We then ended the lesson playing French bingo! 

In art we drew different parts of flowers. 

In PSHE we continued to look at rules and why they are important. 

34 Year 3 Weekly Spellings Issued:T6W2 (SS5,Perms)

Term 6, Week 3

At last the sun has come out to play. It has been lovely to get outside and enjoy our wonderful school grounds in the sunshine - at the bottom of this week's blog are a couple of pictures of us enjoying the sunshine at lunchtime. 

35 Year 3 Weekly Spellings Issued:T6W3 (SS5,Perms)

Term 6, Week 4

We are still going strong in Kingfisher Class despite the fact that the end of term is in sight.

36 Year 3 Weekly Spellings Issued:T6W4 (SS5,Perms)

Term 6, Week 5

Another week of learning in Kingfisher Class and a very exciting Thursday as on General Election Day, we went to spend time in our new Year 4 class!

Term 6, Week 6

Scooter Training

We really enjoyed scooter training this week. Certificates have come home and we are keen to fit in another session before the end of term. Look out for a text to bring scooters to school. Please see the parent letter on the back of certificates.

Two Parks Challenge 2024

I am incredibly proud of the group of 24 Kingfisher children who walked 5 miles today to complete the first ever Welton Two Parks Challenge. The walk was a celebration of our time together this year and also a display of all of our Welton rules and values.The children walked 5 miles and played in two parks (plus a trip to the library en route). Everyone was amazingly behaved and members of the public commented on how polite and friendly our children were. Well done team you fully deserved your medals and certificates awarded by Mr Lyle at the finish.

Ember wrote this recount of the trip which we would like to share with you...

When we arrived at the library, we returned our books. I borrowed my book with my library card so I could finish it. At the library we met someone who used to go to our school! A nice lady read us some cool books and one of the names was Old Macdonald had a Phone. The trip was fun but it was only getting started...

Next we went to the park by the sports centre and had a small play. I climbed up and over the top of the climbing frame. I didn't go on the spinny thing though. The park was really fun but we still had to do the big walk!

As we were walking to the cycle path, we saw a squirrel, a cat  and we heard lots of birds. One of the trees was very tall and that was where we saw the cute grey squirrel.

In the second park I was first to go on the swing. I swung very high and it was so much fun! Next, I went on the zip line. It was very cool. On the first time queuing up I had to jump off because someone went all the way back to where I was standing.

On return to school Mr Lyle was waiting for us with a medal to celebrate our achievements. We were all so proud of what we had completed and we ended the afternoon with an amazing Rocksteady concert. 

Term 6, Week 7

And so the end of our second year with your lovely children has come to an end. We have both enjoyed teaching them again this year and wish them every success and happiness as they move into Year 4. We would all like to say a HUGE thank you for all of the flowers, gifts, cards and messages and for sharing your children with us- most of them for the second time. I would personally like to say goodbye to all of you, as I am leaving school today to begin a full time teaching post in Year 6 nearer to home. Welton will always have a very special place in my heart and I will miss everybody. After 25years here, it is like a second family to me. I know Mrs Stevens will keep me updated on your children as they progress through the school.

It has been SUCH a fun week to end on- I'm sure they will have shared with you all of the amazing sports activities they have enjoyed this week. There are some photos below of us break dancing and beat boxing which we loved! Both of the instructors have you tube channels which the children may like to look at with your supervision- BEAT BOX TANGENT and JACK STEPHENSON.

Have a wonderful summer and stay safe. x