Learning in Year 3

Reading and Phonics

We practice our reading daily in our Guided Reading sessions where we either work in small groups or a whole class to focus on a text and look at different skills in reading, using VIPERS.  We also explore non-fiction texts on the theme of the book so that we are applying these skills across different genres. 

Below are some of the enjoyable texts that we will read as a class this year.


There are 2 groups for spellings according to the individual children's levels in spellings. Over the week we complete different activities to practice the spelling pattern in school. We also expect the children to practice their spellings at home so they are building fluency and confidence in the spelling patterns they are learning. We do a spell check on a Friday to check the children's spellings and issue new spellings. 


In all of our writing in class we are focusing on presentation, speed and accuracy so that we can be fluent and accurate writers. 

Please see below for our writing targets which incorporate handwriting, spelling, punctuation and grammar!



In our daily maths lessons, we incorporate some recall (remembering) of previous skills and knowledge in our daily review challenge - we also include a challenge for those that finish quickly so that they are having to apply other learning or make links in their learning. In lessons we use the Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract approach to enable the children to use practical resources to show their learning as well as to try out new skills in practical ways - i,e using dienes/counters/place value cards/numberlines etc. 

By the end of Year 3, children should be proficient in their 2,5,10,3,4 and 8 times tables. These are practised regularly at school and it would be fantastic if you could encourage children to practice them at home too as it will have a huge impact on all their maths learning. There are some links here to songs we will use to help us. Lots are based on popular songs and the children love them.

2 x tables 

 3 x table

4x table

5x table

8x table

This is also a helpful page https://www.dkfindout.com/uk/maths/times-tables/

Please see below for our Y3 targets that we need to master by the end of the year. 
