Welcome to the Kingfisher Class Spring page. We hope that you will find this an interesting and useful resource.  Here we will share information about our learning as well as upcoming events.  

Hopefully it will answer many of the questions that you have, but as always please do not hesitate to make contact should you have any queries.

Enjoy! Mrs S and Mrs M

Termly Overview Term 4

Copy of Termly Overview Year 3 Term 4

Spring Term in Kingfisher Class

Term 4, Week 1

It has been lovely to welcome back Kingfisher Class this week. Here are a few of our highlights...

21 Year 3 Weekly Spellings Issued:T4W1(SS5,Perms)

Term 4, Week 2

This week has seen the start of our biggest class challenge ever - let's see if we can loose 51 stars in The Kingfisher Class Good Behaviour Game and earn the reward of watching Night at the Museum!

22 Year 3 Weekly Spellings Issued:T4W2 (SS5,Perms)

Term 4, Week 3


This week has been full of coughs, colds , World Book Day and assessments. Everyone has shown great aspiration at all times- well done team.

23 Year 3 Weekly Spellings Issued:T4W3(SS5,Perms)

Term 4, Week 4 - STEM Week

STEM week has been really exciting in Kingfisher Class. Here is a roundup and some photographs for you to enjoy.

24 Year 3 Weekly Spellings Issued:T4W4(SS5,Perms)

Term 4, Week 5

It was such a proud moment to perform with Kingfisher Class today in the djembe drummin demonstration. You were amazing Team Kingfisher - well done! Apologies for the short video but the system did not allow me to upload a longer one.  Note: This should now be working - apologies.


It has certainly been a week for showing our courage value - even though our focus value was responsibility! (which we also used in abundance)...

25 Year 3 Weekly Spellings Issued:T4W5(SS5,Perms)

Term 4, Week 6

This week has seen our Kingfishers develop their knowledge and understanding of what it means to be unique in a wide range of ways.

26 Year 3 Weekly Spellings Issued:T4W6 (SS5,Perms)

Termly Overview Term 3

Welcome back Kingfisher Class and Happy New Year to you all. 

Here is an overview of our planned learning for this term.

Termly Overview Year 3 Term 3..docx

Term 3, Week 1

15 Year 3 Weekly Spellings Issued:T3W1 (SS5,Perms)

From this term, it is expected that ALL children will complete their Look/Cover/ Write sheet at home as part of Year 3 homework. This will be sent home on a Friday and is to be returned the following week also on a Friday. If this is NOT done and returned to school on Friday then they will be expected to complete it at lunchtime before going out to play. Thank you for your supporting in encouraging good and responsible homework skills in your child. Children are reminded to bring the sheet given to them home, but should they forget, the spellings for the week are available on the week's learning page. 

Term 3, Week 2

This week we have enjoyed getting stuck into our new topics.

16 Year 3 Weekly Spellings Issued:T3W2 (SS5,Perms)

Term 3, Week 3

On this icy,cold week we have been busy...

17 Year 3 Weekly Spellings Issued:T3W4 (SS5,Perms)

Term 3, Week 4

Wow what a busy week we have had being Geographers and Eco warriors as well as lots of our ‘usual’ learning…

18 Year 3 Weekly Spellings Issued:T3W4(SS5,Perms)

Term 3, Week 5

Another busy week in Kingfisher Class as the first month of 2024 draws to a close.

19 Year 3 Weekly Spellings Issued:T3W5 (SS5,Perms)

Term 3, Week 6

The first week of February was certainly full of variety!

                       Happy half term Kingfisher families. Best wishes from Team Kingfisher

20 Year 3 Weekly Spellings Issued:T3W6(SS5,Perms)