How can I support my child in Year 3?

As they move into year 3 your child is starting Key Stage 2. This is an important step on their journey through primary school.  Together you cna make it an exciting and happy one by supporting your child at home. This is an invaluable part of their continued learning. 

Here are a few ways you can support yout child in Year 3:

Maths Multiplication Top Tips

In Year 3, it is important for building a good foundation in Primary Maths. Children start to multiply larger numbers using written methods and decimals are introduced. This year, there’s a focus on learning new methods but it’s crucial to keep practising word problems too. 

By the end of Year 4, your child should have a good grasp of the times tables (and their division facts) up to 12 x 12.   

Times table facts             Matching Division facts

3 x 5 = 15          15 ÷ 3 = 5

5 x 3 = 15 15 ÷ 5 = 3


Top tips for Year 4/5 multiplication: Regular times tables practice makes multiplication in KS2 a much easier ride. If you help your child memorise multiplication tables then you have given them a fantastic headstart!

Children who are confident with their mental maths and their times tables will find the formal written method (short division/column method) much easier. The formal written method of multiplication means writing down your calculations – it’s used when dealing with larger numbers (especially ones that take too long to do in your head). 

This written method can help children to break down potentially tricky multiplication questions into much smaller and more manageable chunks. Written methods help children to identify mistakes and correct them by reviewing their working out.  


Short Multiplication (sometimes known as column method): 

Video Above

Long Multiplication (you can do this as an expanded method or a compact method): 

This is a Year 5 method but may help your child in Year 4. 

Video Incoming 

Short Division (through partitioning): 

Video Above 

Short Division (sometimes known as bus stop method): 

This is a Year 5 method but may help your child in Year 4. 

Video Incoming 


How you can help to teach your child times tables at home: 

Division Bingo Game

Can you win this game of division bingo?

What you need: Mini whiteboards/pieces of paper.

How to play:

Using real-life maths to master multiplication problems

Making up simple times tables word problems on the go will help your child find them much easier to answer. Offering them the chance to sit at a table and answer questions versus heading out to help you with the shopping is only going to present one winner!

When you go shopping, ask questions that will get them thinking and give you a chance to demonstrate the answer (using concrete manipulatives if needs be.)

It may not seem like much, but this is one of the best ways to help your child with times tables at home!

Fizz, Buzz Game 

This game is a great way to tackle times tables in a fun way!

How to play:

Have a look at this written example:

Fizz Buzz for the 3 times table

1, 2, FIZZ, 4, 5, FIZZ, 7, 8, FiZZ, 10, 11, FIZZ, BUZZ

Speed Tables Game

What’s the game about?

Recalling times tables as quickly as possible, which is a handy thing to be able to do when the tests come around!

How to play:


Times Table Rockstars: All children have a login for this stuck into their homework book but if you have lost it please ask and we can give it to the children again. 

Multiplication Tables Check Practise:

Hit the Button:

Daily 10: 

These games are all great for recalling your times tables in a time limit which is part of how the children will be tested in their Year 4 Government Multiplication Tables Check. 

We hope to share some more games and websites with you but please do let us know of any good ones you find. We will try our hardest to keep you up to date with the times table that we are currently working on in school.

Thank you so much for everything you are doing at home to support your child in learning their times tables and divison facts.