
Curriculum Leader : Mr N Clarke

Email : nick.clarke@wellingschool-tkat.org

Subject Teacher : Ms M Green

Email : melissa.green@wellingschool-tkat.org 

Subject Teacher : Mr W Taylor-Pease

Email : william.taylor-pease@wellingschool-tkat.org  

 Welcome to our year 6 transition page for history

Studying History helps students to understand the past as well equipping them with skills to make sense of the present. We are a very passionate department with a range of interests in different periods of History. We try to teach in a range of techniques which test students in different ways and encourage learners of all abilities and learning styles.

what historical skills will i develop?

what to expect in year 7 - autumn term

battle of hastings

We start the year of with an introduction to History and the Norman Conquest (Battle of Hastings, castles, the Harrying of the North).

More specifically we will be learning about the following:

You will explain why William won at Hastings.

what to expect in year 7 - spring term

life in medieval england

In the spring term, we will be learning about life in Medieval England (The Crusades, the Magna Carta, the Black Death, the Great Rising 1381).

What can you infer from this image?

From this image I can infer...

What have been the consequences of the Crusading centuries?

what to expect in year 7 - summer term

In the summer term, we will be studying the Tudor monarchs, the Break from Rome, the Reformation and the English civil war.