
KS3 Lead for Geography: Ms N  Westbrook

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Subject Teacher : Mr I Rossiter

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Subject Teacher : Ms N Dixon

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 Welcome to our year 6 transition page for Geography

At Welling School we believe that our students should have the opportunity to follow a Geography curriculum that will equip all students with a balanced understanding of the physical and human world, as well as an appreciation of how interconnected systems are. It will improve student knowledge of key geographical processes and how human actions impact on these processes. Crucially it will give students the knowledge and skills to become active global citizens and enable them to confidently identify and respond to the complex current issues our planet faces. 

what geographical skills will i develop?

what to expect in year 7 - autumn term

A world to Investigate 

An introduction in to Human and Physical Geography. We also explore what students know about the local area, London and the UK

geographical Skills

This is course of geographical skills including compass direction, 4 & 6 figure grid references, scale, contours and being interpret OS maps

What to expect in year 7 - Spring term

Weather 7 Climate 

Students will study how weather has an impact everyday of our lives from what to wear to affecting the economy. They study what are low and high pressure systems.


Students will study where different ecosystems are located. What is the relationship between climate and ecosystems and these have impact of the animal species associated with them with a specific focus on Temperate Deciduous Woodlands.

What to expect in year 7 - Summer term

Tropical Rainforests

Students will follow the ecosystems unit by looking in more detail at tropical rainforests. They look at their location and how the climate plays an important role in the vegetation and animals that live there.

Africa - the continent

Students will study the human and physical features of Africa. They will look at links between Africa and things originated from there.