Read & Write

(PDF Readability and Note Taking Tools)

Date of Workshop

December 4th, 3:30-6:00pm

Description of Workshop

Making your PDFs readable can provide students increased engagement and flexibility with the content. Most PDFs can be easily be made into readable and searchable document so that students can actively engage with them by taking notes and highlighting. One tool for engaging with Google Docs and PDFs is the Read&Write Chrome extension that provides access to text-to-speech, note taking tools, and so much more!

  • Use various tools to make PDFs readable and searchable.
  • Explore the uses of the Read&Write toolbar (both free version and subscription-version).
  • Look at different ways to mark-up text and take notes.
  • Download the best Chrome extensions to support learning.
  • Work on ways to embed best practices into the classroom for all students.

This course will have 1-hour of on-line work prior to December 4th.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who will benefit from this workshop?

This will be most beneficial for high school and middle school teachers looking to make their course content more accessible and exploring tools for marking up PDFs for note taking purposes.

What is Read&Write?

Read&Write is a Chrome extension that provides an additional toolbar for use with Google Docs and when using a web browser. It also provides a web-based PDF reader where students can access tools to mark-up their readings. There is a free version available to all students as well as a subscription version.