Whiptail Fun Facts

Contrary to popular belief, young whiptails are called hatchlings, not cookies.

Whiptails prefer to snooze midday and hunt insects (or discs) in the later afternoon.

Whiptails can run up to 17 mph. No wonder whiptails love running deep.

Whiptails are known for always being in motion (they anticipate success).

Check out these cool scientific articles on Whiptail Lizards!!

Some female lizards can reproduce without mating, enabling them to quickly establish new colonies that are devoid of males

Populations of whiptail lizards in the southwestern U.S., Mexico and South America consist of females only. The animals are unusual among vertebrates in reproducing by parthenogenesis: virgin birth

Unisexual Lizards (Genus Cnemidophorus) of the Madrean Archipelago