About the Whiptails

The Wellesley Whiptails

The Whiptails are Wellesley College's club Ultimate Frisbee team!! (You might have heard of us. Number 19 on the Wellesley 100. We're just that epic). Though primarily an athletic team, the Whiptails are an inclusive and fun social community. If you're interested in joining the team, come by open practices in the fall; anyone is welcome to join the Whiptails - whether you've played competitive ultimate for years or have never tossed a disc before!! 

When Whiptails aren't frisbeeing we enjoy playing Spikeball, having game nights, spamming our spam account, draining our lactic acid, going on chaotic Target runs, internet-stalking other Whiptails, and having big group cuddles.

Whiptails Ultimate Frisbee (@wellesleywhiptails) 

Land Acknowledgement

Written by the Native American and Indigenous Student Association (NAISA), Wellesley College's official land acknowledgement reads:

We acknowledge that Wellesley College is built on ancestral and traditional land of the Massachusett people. We also recognize that the United States’ removal, termination, and assimilation policies and practices resulted in the forced settlement of Indigenous lands and the attempted erasure of Indigenous cultures and languages. We further acknowledge the oppression, injustices, and discrimination that Indigenous people have endured and that there is much work to be done on the important journey to reconciliation. We commit to strengthen our understanding of the history and contemporary lives of Indigenous peoples and to steward this land. 

We further recognize the many Indigenous people living here today—including the Massachusett, Wampanoag, and Nipmuc nations—who have rich ancestral histories in Wellesley and its surrounding communities. Today, their descendants remind us that they are still here, where they maintain a vital and visible presence. We honor and respect the enduring relationship between these peoples and this land, as well as the strength of Indigenous culture and knowledge, the continued existence of tribal sovereignty, and the principle of tribal self-determination.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion on the Whiptails

The Whiptails are for students of any gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, age, religious/political beliefs, physical ability, or other identities. The Whiptails are not only a club sports team but also a community. Regardless of your ability to attend and participate in practices/competitions, we have a place for you to belong. Choose your own adventure: go HAM, toss, sideline, or just socialize with us–you determine your participation level. We’re committed to making this a supportive and inclusive space–we thrive off of your feedback and encourage you to reach out to us if you have any concerns or ideas. 

Whiptail Gender FAQ: Infographic Can Be Viewed Here and Document Can Be Viewed Here