
WeLearn365 Core Webinars

Technical Notes

Our webinars use Microsoft Teams. If you receive a third party cookie error when trying to access Teams, as a workaround you can download the Teams App - please see link below;


For extended use of Teams, we would recommend that you download the Teams App as it has more functionality such as blurring your background so others only focus on you rather than your surroundings.

If you are a WeLearn365 user please check out the MS Teams channel called Webinar Resources here you will find additional videos and support

Training sessions available

If your school would like a private training session on any of the following:

  • How to create a MS Team for your school

  • How to create a MS Class Team for you teachers to assgin and communicte with their class

  • How to share resources within a MS Team - embed websites/videos/presentations

  • How to create a video call in MS Teams - with a group of people (guests) for Interviews etc.

  • How to use Purple Mash and assign 2Dos

  • A session for parents on how to help their child(ren) to access Purple Mash

  • A session for parent on how to help their child(ren) to access MS Team and return and send work back to their teacher.

Please contact Sarah Fitzgerald or log a call with our Service Desk on 01926 414100.

WeLearn365 Plus Webinars

These will focus on the G Suite for Education apps available to our Plus subscribers, including Google Classroom. Each webinar will be delivered via Google Meet which requires no login. Available for school staff only.

To request a webinar please email.

Date Content Link

By request G Suite for Education/Classroom Join Meeting