WeLearn365 Core Resources


These resources are available to all schools who subscribe to our our WeLearn365 Core service; this is the majority of primary schools in Warwickshire.

Through WeLearn365 Core service, you have full access to to Microsoft 365 including:

  • Word Online

  • PowerPoint Online

  • Excel Online

  • Outlook (Email)

  • OneDrive for Business cloud storage

  • Groups

  • Teams

Additionally, within WeLearn365, your school community also has access to:

  • Purple Mash

  • j2e

All children and teachers can access these tools and resources at home with no additional costs.

Home Learning

Of particular relevance in support of home learning are the following tools and resources:

Microsoft Teams

Teams is ideal for setting up a ‘Class Team’ for your pupils; this can be considered as a ‘virtual classroom space'. In Teams you can communicate with your pupils via chat and video conferencing and you can assign work to pupils (if you want to). It enables you share presentations, onscreen documents and files that you might have already prepared in school to deliver a lesson such as the Romans. This feature allows for instant chat and discussions based on the work you are presenting.

Please see the following video help guides for staff;

If you receive a third party cookie error when trying to access Teams, as a workaround you can download the Teams App - please see link below;


For extended use of Teams, we would recommend use of the Teams App as it has more functionality such as blurring your background so others only focus on you rather than your surroundings.

Purple Mash

Purple Mash is an excellent online resource for your children and staff that can be used for online learning both at home and in school. It has a great many resources for Maths, Literacy, Computing, Science and cross curricular topics, as well as online games such as Toon Tables. It supports all areas of the curriculum including SPAG. Please click here to find out more about how it can support learning.

Please click here for a pdf document that gives advice on school closures and instructions on how to access Purple Mash outside of school.

Just 2 Easy - J2e

This is an award-winning product that provides lots of creativity tools, apps and games for Maths, English, Computing and Cross Curricular activities. Please click here to see the full suite of tools available.

To access any of these resources, visit www.welearn365.com, select your school from the drop-down list and click 'Go'. You will then be prompted for your WeLearn username and password. Enter these and click 'Sign in'. For the best user experience we recommend you use the Chrome browser. Please see this video for help.

If you have a personal Microsoft account (another Microsoft 365, Outlook or Hotmail account) already logged into your browser, this can prevent login to WeLearn365. In this situation, we recommend that you open a private or incognito window in your browser and login to WeLearn365 through this. Please see this video for guidance.

It is important that you check your WeLearn365 username and password are working prior to a school closure. Please see further information on password management for WeLearn365 here.