Wellington East Girls' College  /    Te Kura Kōhine o te Rāwhiti o Te Upoko o Te Ika 

Rāwhiti Taukaea


Issue 4July/August 2023  - Hōngongoi / Here-turi-kōkā 2023 

Welink is a newsletter produced as a link between Wellington East Girls' College and our community, and is emailed to parents and students. It contains essential information as well as news for caregivers.  It is also on our website – www.wegc.school.nzPlease advise the school if you have changed your contact details, or would like to add an email address:  wegc@wegc.school.nz 

Principal's Message

Tēnā koutou kātoa

This term, we are excited about two significant music events. Firstly, the Multichoir is competing at the prestigious Cadenza Competition in Whanganui, taking place this week. Additionally, our auditioned choir Rāwhiti will be competing at the Big Sing finale in Auckland next weekend.  We wish them both well.

Amidst these musical endeavors, our senior students are preparing for their impending school exams. These exams are not only vital in themselves but also serve as a foundation for potential derived grades that might prove essential later in the year.

This is also a pivotal time for our Year 13 students, as they contemplate their future paths. To aid them we have had university planning days throughout the past few weeks, coupled with careers information sessions.

We have also recently hosted evenings for both Junior and Senior Course selections. These are significant, as students are tasked with making choices that will shape their academic journey for the upcoming year. These selections are not mere decisions but rather strategic considerations, aligning with their goals and pathways, and making sure that the courses they choose support them to move along these pathways. 

If you have any concerns about your students' progress with NCEA or UE please make contact with their Ako teacher or Dean in the first instance. If you have queries related to specific courses or Universities then please feel free to contact our Careers Adviser Cathy Matthews: cathy.matthews@wegc.school.nz

Ngā mihi nui

Gael Ashworth,  Principal 

Please see the Student Calendar below for student events coming up

What's coming up ? 

16-19 August - Big Sing Cadenza in Whanganui 

18 August - Senior Study Leave  Day, Juniors in school as usual  

18-24 August - Yr8 Enrolment meetings 

21-24 August - Derived Grade Exam Week  - Senior students on Study/Exam Leave, Junior in school as usual 

23 August - WEPA Meeting 6pm 

25 August - Mid Term Break (School closed) 

25 August - Victoria University Open Day 

27 August - Big Sing National Finale, Auckland 

28 Aug - 1 Sept - Winter Tournament Week 

30 August - Victoria University Year 11 Pasifika Day 

4 September - WEGC Spirit Week  & Tongan Language Week 

7 September - Junior Report  Afternoon 1.00-4.30pm 

8 September - University of Canterbury Open Day 

8 September - Inspirational Breakfast, Hall, WEGC 

Inspirational Breakfast Series - 8 September 2023

Kia ora koutou,

Come along to our Inspirational Breakfast - Friday 8 September - this is hosted by Wellington East Parents Association (WEPA) and sponsored by Wellington Airport.


This event is for East students, their whānau and wider community. Bring along your Mum, Dad, Grandmother, Poppa, Auntie, Uncle, Sister, Brother, Cousin, or a good friend or neighbour.

We will serve you breakfast and then host a panel of previous East students. These inspiring wāhine will be sharing their experiences from college, to study, to job hunting, to starting their careers.

Friday 8 September, WEGC Hall

7:30am - 8.30 am

Breakfast Served

Tickets: $10.00 each. Limited tickets so be in quick!

Guest speakers:

Regan Thomson-Taurima, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Jess Robilliard, Project Manager, TSA 

Stella Esson, Rotational Physiotherapist, CCDHB 

and one other from Wellington Airport to be confirmed


All funds raised are added to the WEPA funds and used to support our WEGC students in their extra-curricular activities including sports, cultural and academic pursuits.


To purchase tickets please pay by internet banking into:


WEGC Parents Association (WEPA)

Bank Account: 06-0501-0074972-00

Reference:  Your Name


Then email parents@wegc.school.nz and let us know your name and the number of tickets you have brought.

 Parking will be available at school on the courts by TawaTawa (Sports Centre)

We look forward to seeing you there, 

te wā

WEPA committee

Hokonui Fashion Awards 

The HFA is a platform for all amateur fashion designers to showcase their designs in front of well-regarded industry leaders.  Our Technology students submitted their work to the  awards held recently in Gore.  In the School section they won : 

Gore District Council, Auaha Award

School Merit Awards

The HFA website has a video of the evening, but if you want to check out our students you can spot their creations at 38:28, 39:20 and 2:49:21


Technology Win 

We are thrilled to let you know that Capitol by Lauren St Just has received the Bernina's Choice Award in the Toi Senior National Finals and features in the Senior Lookbook for Showquest wearable arts awards. Lauren is a yr 12 Creative Technology student. 

Purple Power Week at WEGC - July/Aug

Purple Power Week was established by Olive Brown (WEGC Head Prefect, 2015) and is all about female empowerment. This year, the general theme was "celebrating mana wahine and the powerful women in our lives".   We have students involved in activities such as the arts, STEM, sport and service to the Wellington Rape Crisis.   We also sold our Wordstohealyou x Purple Power Week hoodies  and held a purple non-uniform on the Friday. 

Our events over the week : 

Monday 31 July  Bake Sale in Quad/M16 for WRC - Led by: Service Prefects 

Tuesday 1 Aug   Book Quiz - Led by: Library Prefects 

Wednesday 2 Aug   Sew & Sip - Led by: Arts Prefects

Thursday 3 Aug  Friendly netball game with our sister school - HHT, Led by: Sports Prefects 

Friday 4 Aug  Purple Non-Uniform Day - Everyone with a PPW Hoodie to meet to take pics 

STEAM Panel - Led by: Tech Prefects :

Session One: Environmental Activist - Sophie Handford

Session Three: Software Developer - Wainui Watika-Parks

Session Four: Insights Analysts - Alexandra Ferguson and Sarah McBride

Neve McCarthy and Serena Dahya with Wainui Witika-Park, Software Developer at Catalyst IT

STEAM Day at East

On 4 August (Week 3 of Term 3) we were able to run STEAM day. The day turned out to be a big success. We had 5 different female speakers who all worked in various STEAM careers. The jobs that were talked about included a software developer, a neurology nurse practitioner intern, a brain cancer researcher, an insights analyst, and a civil engineer. At lunch, we had set up tons of activities such as BrainBox, coloring papers, tricky maths quiz, and a Kahoot in which people could win prizes. We absolutely loved it and are so happy to be able to encourage more women in STEAM. 

by Neve and Serena

(Technology Prefects)

Regional Readers Cup 2023

It's a four-peat for Wellington East Girls College and the Regional Readers Cup Competition!  Our Year 9 team consisting of Lily Pantoja-Leahy, Zola Manterys, Maia Kennach, Fern Renner, and Emma Buddle competed with 5 other colleges on Tuesday 20 June for the much-coveted John McIntyre Memorial Cup.  

The competition involves teams of up to 5 students from different schools reading the same 6 books and answering a number of very hard questions based on the books. The competition was fierce this year with just 3.5 points, over a possible 60, separating WEGC from 2nd place-getters Wellington College.  There was added pressure for the team as WEGC have won the previous three years' competitions - now four!  We can be very proud of the team's performance and the way they represented the school. Big shout out to Jarna Stewart our Year 11 coach, Ms Dara Flaws for her organisation and support, and our whānau supporters who came along on the night.

No pressure class of 2024!

UC Boost Economics Competition 2023 

Olivia Wu, Yr13 , competed with Lewis Collins (St Bernard’s College) in the finals of the recent University of Canterbury Boost Economics Competition 2023.  The event, held as part of the University of Canterbury's (UC) 150th anniversary celebrations under the theme 'Ka titiro whakamuri, ki te anga whakamua | Guided by the past, shaping the future,' provided an opportunity to pitch innovative ideas for regional economic growth.

We competed against 10 other teams throughout New Zealand and came out as the winners of the competition! Our idea was to boost Ōtautahi Christchurch tourism with a wāhine-based historical tour in the heart of Christchurch, with the name "Wāhine Toa: Warrior Women". The tours would include going to landmarks around Christchurch based on wāhine toa including Margaret Mahy, Kate Sheppard, Ada Wells, Elizabeth McCooms and Ngaio Marsh.

The judges loved our presentation, especially noting that it perfectly matched the theme, was an economically feasible idea and included bicultural aspects. Our presentation was simple, easy to understand, and perfectly outlined our tour.

This was a great learning experience about considering economic issues and solutions and presenting to judges, especially remotely. If you are interested in studying commerce, I would highly recommend entering this competition in 2024.

By Olivia Wu 

Music Department 

It has been a very busy time for Music at WEGC :

Kapi Mana Festival 

On Monday 4th June, Year 13 student Naya Espelita took part in the KapiMana music festival. Naya performed in the Grade 8 and above category and received outstanding feedback from the adjudicator. 

Big Sing Regional Festival 

On Wednesday 7th June, Rāwhiti and Multi Choir headed down to the Big Sing Wellington Regional Festival. This was a hugely successful day for our WEGC choirs who received the following awards:

Multi Choir :

Rāwhiti :

A massive thank you to our student choir leaders for their outstanding support of the choirs and continuing to show our East values: Maylani Framhein, Grace Tautiaga-Mamea, Eden Leota, Katia Reid, and Rāwhiti Section Leaders

Thank you to the staff that have directed, worked with and supported the choirs: Penelope Isaac, Kathryn Hunt, Barbara Paterson, Hayley Humby, Tim Atkins, Prue Dreaver-Stimpson, Nick Kovachev

A special thank you to ex WEGC student Helen Tupa’i who gave Rāwhiti her blessing to perform her composition Lo’u Fesosasoani. Helen also accompanied the choir today and worked with the choir on this piece. We are hugely grateful to continue the legacy Helen helped build at WEGC and feel very blessed to have been able to go through this process with her.

NZCT Chamber Music Competition

On Saturday 10th June, "Sounds of Matairangi" (Chamber Group), featuring Tallulah Farrow (Yr11), Naya Espelita (Yr13) and Katia Reid (Yr12) competed in the NZCT Wellington District Chamber Music Competition. The group received great feedback from the adjudicator and performed to an excellent standard. Shoutout to their support crew, their whānau, their friends and WEGC staff and students.

This was Sounds of Matairangi’s last time competing in this competition together as Naya will be leaving WEGC at the end of the year. It has been a huge pleasure to watch them grow as a group and as musicians and we are immensely proud of them. Well done Sounds of Matairangi

Naya at the Kapi Mana Festival 

Multichoir with Ms Hunt

Big Sing awards 

Sounds of Matairangi : Tallulah, Naya and Katia

Tu Tangata Festival 2023


Tu Tangata was held in July at the TSB.  Wellington East Girls' College were given the prestigious spot at the end of the Festival, which is a testament to the hours of practice and commitment by the students, teachers and parents.  You can watch their Festival video in the link above.  

EOTC : HHT and Kids Count trip to the Capital Trout Centre

He Huarahi Tamariki (HHT) provides education for students unable to complete their studies  through pregnancy or the birth of a child.   They offer a range of subjects in partnership with the New Zealand Correspondence School, Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu, Wellington East Girls’ College, the Open Polytechnic of New Zealand and other providers.   The complex in Linden also provides onsite child care through Kids Count, a licensed and registered ECE.

One of the students, Hannah Cuttle, wrote a piece for us about their recent EOTC trip.

Last term, Kids Count and HHT School spent a day of excitement together. It was for trout fishing in Owhiro Bay.  We were met by a volunteer who gave a very brief but informative rundown on how the day would go. Of course, the children just wanted to get straight to it. 

It took about three minutes for the first fish of the day to be caught. Everyone watched closely as the fish struggled to be free from the hook. The child, who had the first fish, giggled with excitement and pointed out to the fish while her mother took over from the instructor to reel the fish in. The successful fisher exclaimed, “MY FISHY!” and ran over as close as she could get to it. All the kids had their turn fishing, everyone was successful and was able to hand in their fish to get weighed and gutted. Some of the children did have a harder time parting from their now most prized possession when weighing time came, but it all worked out in the end.

After a packed lunch, it was time for the presentation. Everyone huddled together in the shelter with the kids sitting on the floor and the adults on a seat, if they were lucky. We all tried hushing our children so we could listen to the quiet voice of the lady calling out the children’s names for their certificates and to return their gutted and wrapped fishes to them!  Everyone clapped and you could see the pride on the children's faces as they showed off their fish in the bag and had their photo taken for the record.

International Languages Week 6-9 June 

During this Language week we explored the richness and vibrancy of languages and cultures from all corners of the world. Our students are from more than 60 countries in the world and we are incredibly proud of our rich cultural diversity!  Together, we create a tapestry of cultures that fosters understanding, appreciation, and unity.  Throughout the week, we had an exciting lineup of activities and events including Library Display showcasing a curated collection of books in various languages.  We also held lunchtime activities including board games from different cultures, French cooking class, Chinese calligraphy, a Tai chi class, Bracelet making and a staff cultural attire day to end the week. The prefects decorated the school for the week and our café offered dishes from places such as Samoa, China, India and Mexico. 

International students - Homestay

This term we have welcomed students from Japan, Korea, Taiwan and China.  It is great to see how responsive our students are towards these new arrivals.  New international students are matched with a student buddy.  We are extremely grateful to these students who play a significant role in ensuring a smooth and less anxious start to school in a new country.

Our next group of new arrivals will be in Term One of 2024.  We will have both long term (full school year) and shorter term (two to ten weeks) students coming.  Each student needs a local host family.  Our host families provide a comfortable room, three meals a day and some kind hospitality.  The hosting fee in 2024 is $340 per week (tax exempt).  The school has a dedicated Homestay Co-ordinator who is available at all times to ensure that homestay families and students are well supported.  Please email Athena London - athena.london@wegc.school.nz if you have any questions about hosting a student.  We would love to hear from you.

Year 11 Market Day

Year 11 Applied Business classes held a market day in early June.  Market Day is the culmination of work imagining, planning, and delivering a product to market. This work is completed in business teams with students assuming the role and responsibilities of Chief Executive Officer, Finance Manager, Operations Manager, or Marketing Manager.  Students gained valuable insight into innovation, business practices, and teamwork.  Some great products were produced with excellent customer service provided. Well done to all.

We have a lot of positive things to celebrate this term.  Congratulations to the following students that received their certificates and badges on Tuesday 8th August, and thank you so much to Ms Cockburn, Ms Wilson and Mr Harford for presenting them

Queen’s Guide Medal Recipient: Caitlin Leogreen

A big congratulations to Caitlin Leogreen, who is not only completing her Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award, but has also just completed and been awarded the prestigious Queen’s Guide Medal by the Governor General, Dame Cindy Kiro, at a ceremony at Government House on July 22.

Similar to DOE, the Queen’s Guide Award is achieved over several years and is the culmination of a range of tasks completed in the fields of service, skills and leadership. Since moving from Guides to Rangers in Year 9, Caitlin’s efforts have included organising expeditions, helping other Girl Guide units as a Ranger-In-Leadership and serving on advisory groups. In January this year Caitlin attended a 6 day residential camp on Rakiura, Stewart Island, initially knowing no-one else on the trip! Caitlin identifies the opportunities for personal growth and the invaluable skills and life lessons gained through local, regional and national activities as some of what she has got from working towards this Award, along with the chance to form lasting friendships with Guides from around New Zealand and overseas. 

Ka pai Caitlin - what an amazing achievement.

DoE 60th Anniversary Birthday Party - WEGC are the winners! 

As part of the 60th Anniversary of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award in Aotearoa this year, Award Units were encouraged to come up with a creative birthday party idea, host and send in their photos. 

WEGC hosted a garden art party at the Miramar Prison Community Gardens and were lucky enough to win $2500 of Macpac Vouchers for the programme!!! The win will be well used, upgrading the old tents for the next round of adventurous journeys.  

A big thank you to Siena Remacha for her creative input with this, Patty, Kate and Milan from the Community Gardens for their support and to the students that came and participated - Ka pai! 

Success at Artistic Swimming Competitions 

Our students have been celebrating success at the recent Artistic Swimming North Island Championship which was held 16-18th June at the Wellington Regional Aquatic Centre.  

Mairead Elliott, Yr13, placed 2nd in the Aquarina Solo  and  Scarlett Hardy Year 11, placed 1st in the Senior School Sport Solo, and 1st in the Junior Free Solo.  

Scarlett Hardy has also been selected  to represent New Zealand as part of the New Zealand Koru Artistic Swimming team, and in the New Zealand Youth Development Squad.  The Koru team recently competed in the Panasonic Pan Asia Artistic Swimming Championships in August, in Hong Kong, reaching Third place.   

You can read about artistic swimming at  https://synchroswimnz.org.nz/

L-R: Mairead Elliot, and Scarlett Hardy 

Ex-student - Ava Richardson-Lane 

Victoria University have updated us on one of our ex-students, Ava Richardson-Lane.  Last year Ava began studying for a Bachelor of Biomedical Science, and received the Wellington Tangiwai Scholarship in 2022.  

Ava and her fellow commerce student group started a business in Year 13 under the Young Enterprise Scheme while at WEGC, which aims to create a date rape drug detector, aiding in the prevention of DFSA and drink spiking.  Ava is working on this alongside her BBS and she is the face of the Victoria university scholarship posters you may have seen lately.   

Sports at East

You can find information on all sports offered at East, as well as our latest achievements - the link is here and is also on our school website.  

You can also check out Instagram and Facebook pages for WEGC Sport at @wegcsport   www.facebook.com/wegcsport

Students would love your support : 

If you are free on Friday and would like to support our awesome sports teams then there are two events : 


Final of the Premier Girls league v Wellington Girls

Friday 18th August


National Hockey Stadium, Berhampore


Final of the Premier Girls League v St Orans

Friday 18th August


Wellington Badminton Hall, Ruahine Street, Hataitai 

2023 Payment of School Fees/Donations 

You can view and pay your school account from the Kamar portal: https://kamarweb.wegc.school.nz/index.php  

Direct credit payments can be made using the following details:

WEGC Bank Account Details:

ANZ Bank Wellington

06 0501 0908375 000

Reference: Please use student ID (on invoice) 

Particulars: payment details (example: ID Card, GE200 Trip)

Payment in person @ School:  Payments are accepted at reception from 8:15 am until 3.30 pm Monday to Friday. The School is closed during public holidays and school term breaks. Payments by cash or EFTPOS are available.

Ways to help WEGC - Fundraising : 

Entertainment Book 

Please support Wellington East as we sell Entertainment memberships. We are fundraising to ensure that all East girls are able to access the same opportunities. 20% of your Membership purchase comes directly to us!

Receive fantastic savings while you eat, play and shop with Entertainment. Memberships are convenient and easy to use for you and your family over any 12 month period from activation.

There are three different types of memberships:-

· Single City Membership

· Multi City Membership – unlocks 21 cities in New Zealand and Australia

· Multi Plus Membership – double the savings of a multi city membership for two years

Get yours today online by clicking the link below!


Thank you for your support

When you are shopping at Wellington City New World: Have your docket stamped at the time of purchase by a checkout Supervisor. Deposit your docket in the East drop box provided in the main entrance of New World. Duplicate receipts can be requested, at time of purchase, if the original is required. Every time you purchase products from New World Wellington City, they will pay the school 1.5% pa of the total $ sales value.

 Welink Newsletter : Wellington East Girls' College, Austin Street, Mt Victoria 6011, Ph 385 8514, www.wegc.school.nz