Wellington East Girls' College / Te Kura Kōhine o te Rāwhiti o Te Upoko o Te Ika


Issue 6, Whiringa-ā-rangi / November 2021

Welink is a newsletter produced as a link between Wellington East Girls' College and our community, and is emailed to parents and students. It contains essential information as well as news for caregivers. It is also on our website – www.wegc.school.nz. Please advise the school if you have changed your contact details, or would like to add an email address: wegc@wegc.school.nz

Principal's Message

Tēnā koutou katoa,

We are coming to the end of the year with Senior students fully engaged in examinations. We are also closely approaching the time that we finally say farewell to our Year 13 students, students from other year levels and some staff. This year we farewell:

  • Vanessa De Souza-Cameron, who is leaving the Tikanga-ā-iwi Department to take up a position at the Ministry of Education

  • Sophia Jasinski, who has been on leave, and has made the decision to move into Intermediate teaching

  • Cate Johnston, who is retiring from her role as Teacher in the Te Aka unit

  • Karen Stockill, leaving the Languages Department to explore other opportunities in education

  • Hayley Robinson, leaving the Science Department and will be returning as a Reliever

  • Delaney Moonemalle, who will be leaving the Mathematics Department to go overseas

  • Liz Hill, who is retiring from her role in the Science Department

  • Kay Holst, who is leaving to go to Wakatipu High School

Thank you all so much for your ongoing dedication and service to our students and the community.

This has been a challenging year and I would like to thank the school and wider community for their willingness to engage and their resilience in the face of difficult circumstances. Thank you to the staff, parents and whānau who continue to make the students the focus even under the most challenging of circumstances.

I am looking forward to us continuing in partnership in the New Year as we continue to build and progress our school community.

Have a restful Summer.

Ngā mihi nui

Gael Ashworth, Principal

Board of Trustees

Kia ora koutou

As 2021 draws to a close, there have been many challenges that the school has faced this year. It would be hard to recall a year when the school has faced as much adversity as in 2021 and there has been much sadness, disappointment and loss. The summer holiday is much needed to give everyone - students, staff and whānau - a welcome break and an opportunity to collect ourselves to start refreshed in the New Year.

There is much work to be done in 2022 including consulting on, and setting, the new three-year strategic plan for the school. The Board looks forward to working with you all on this, and taking positive steps forward together.

I would like to thank every member of our East community for the contribution you continue to make to our proud history spanning nearly 100 years.

On behalf of the Board, I would like to extend our best wishes to you all during this festive season.

Ngā mihi nui

Jo Lambert, Chair

Please see the Student Calendar below for student events coming up

Wellington East Parents' Association (WEPA)

Kia ora

We would like to thank the many people who have contributed to WEPA in 2021. Over this year we have distributed funds to many school activities. This money has come from Parent donations, external grants, sponsorship, and fundraising.

We wish you a fantastic summer break. Over this time it would be wonderful if you continue to support the school by utilising the services of some of our sponsors such as New World supermarket, The Shoe Clinic and Charles Morley-Hall of Just Paterson.

If you are interested in finding out more about WEPA please send an email to parents@wegc.school.nz

Nga mihi nui

Mā te wā

WEPA committee

Teacher Only Days coming up - 29/30 November /1 December

We have three upcoming Teacher Only Days. The first two will be held on Monday 29 November and Tuesday 30 November. These events are focused on teacher Professional Learning, reflection and planning for 2022.

We also have a NCEA Accord Teacher Only Day to be held on Wednesday 1 December. This is to facilitate the change process for NCEA.

The school will remain open and any student wishing to be at school should report to Hauora Reception and supervised study will be arranged. The morning school buses will run for any students who have NCEA exams that day. There will be no school buses running in the afternoon.

The Supported Learning Classroom, Te Aka, will be closed on Monday 29 November, but will be open on Tuesday 30 November and Wednesday 1 December.

Attendance at school - Last Day Yr9 and Yr10 : 15 December 2021

Instructions for juniors for the final day of term

8.45am: Ako time - School magazine distributed, final opportunity to pay outstanding fees, return books or equipment

10.15am : Interval

1015am : Junior Prize Giving

11.30am : Students dismissed

End of Year Payment of School Fees/Donations

Any outstanding school contributions/subject charges are to be paid before 15 December, (the end of the 2021 school year), either by cash, eftpos or internet banking. Please contact accounts@wegc.school.nz if you have any queries.

You can view and pay your school account right from the Kamar portal: https://kamarweb.wegc.school.nz/index.php

Direct credit payments can be made using the following details:

WEGC Bank Account Details:

ANZ Bank Wellington

06 0501 0908375 000

Reference: Please use student ID (on invoice)

Particulars: payment details (example: ID Card, GE200 Trip)

Payment in person @ School:

Payments are accepted at reception from 8:00 am until 4:00 pm Monday to Friday. The School is closed during public holidays and school term breaks. Payments by cash or EFTPOS are available.

Start of Year 2022

Please note the Powhiri arrangements are subject to Covid restrictions that may be in place next year.

Thursday 3 February 2022: Pōwhiri for Year 9 and other new students

Pōwhiri for Year 9 students (and other new students to the college)

Year 9’s (and Parents) meet at 9.45am in car park above Gate B (Heritage Gates) on Austin Street.

Morning tea at 11.15am. Parents can leave from 11.30am

Yr9 Students will be in their Ako class for the rest of the day until 3.20pm.

New students who are in other year levels (Yr10-13)- after the Pōwhiri and mornng tea will meet with Deans and will be dismissed at midday.

School buses will run in the afternoon only

Friday 4 February 2022: All students to be at school as follows:

Year 9 students report to their Ako class at 8.45am

Year 10 students report to the Hall at 8.45am

Year 11 students report to the Hall at 9.30am

Year 12 students report to the Hall at 10.00am

Year 13 students report to Hall at 10.30am

Timetabled classes begin Session 3

School buses will run as normal

From Tuesday 8 February 2022: All years 9-13 Students to be at school 8.45am - 3.20pm

All classes as per the timetable

School buses will run as normal

School Stationery 2022 available from December 2021

Wellington East Girls' College Stationery lists are available on the WEGC website from the beginning of December, and over the holiday period. There is also an option to purchase online directly from Office Max on myschool.co.nz. This year OfficeMax have introduced Laybuy*, so you can pay in 6 weekly, interest-free instalments - and still get your order right away. Or you can pay by internet banking, credit card or debit card.

When you shop on myschool.co.nz you’ll receive free delivery on orders over $46*. You will also help our school earn school rewards* that we use to purchase much needed extra resources for our school. You can also call them on 0800 724 440 Mon to Fri, 8.30am – 5pm.

* Terms & Conditions apply, see myschool.co.nz for details.

Celebration Day - 11 November 2021

As we did not hold large gatherings this term, we set aside a day where we could celebrate at school with our successful students. We also livestreamed this event for whanau who watched our Sports students, Pasifika, New Settlers and Māori successes.

Prize Giving WEGC 2021 - Senior and Junior events

This year's Prize Giving was little bit different due to the revised NCEA exam dates and the current uncertainty with the alert level changes. To ensure that we could hold ceremonies in Alert Level 2, are holding Junior and Senior Prize-giving ceremonies separately. The Senior Prize Giving was held on Tuesday 16 November in the Hall at WEGC, Year 11-13 students only, and we livestreamed the event.

Only Prize winners and teachers were seated in the hall, with students and parents watching via livestream

This year's Dux was Saskia Cosgrove-Drayton, and our Proxime Accessit was Rebecca Hutt, who were given their korowai and prizes at the end of the event. This year we also presented the inaugural cup to commemorate Kayla Govind - this was the Perseverance and Determination in Digital Technology Kayla Govind Cup, and won by Hariklia Nicola, one of our Media Prefects. This cup and the associated prize were donated to the school by the Govind family in remembrance of Kayla who sadly passed away in 2021. Kayla excelled at Digital Technologies and it was one of her favorite subjects.

The joint winners of the Catalyst award for top student in Year 13 Digital Technologies were Amy King and Leila Paul. Catalyst, a leading proponent of open source software and tools has kindly sponsored this award for three years. Amy and Leila were also winners of the Information Technology Professions (ITP) cup.

Junior Prizegiving

The Junior Prizegiving will be held on the last day of term Wednesday 15th December at WEGC for Year 9 and 10 students. Only the Year 9-10 students will be able to attend, and we will live-stream the event. Details will be sent to whānau prior to the event.

School Dux Saskia Cosgrove-Drayton (Centre) with Sofia Marea-Gowans (L) and Paradise Lesatale (R)

Hariklia Nicola with the inaugural Kayla Govind Cup

Amy King and Leila Paul Catalyst Award winners

The 2022 Prefects with the 2021 Head Prefects Sofia and Paradise (front)

2022 Head Prefects, Kowhai Luke (L) and Isabella Oliver-Clyne (R)

Prefect 2022 Assembly

We held our Prefect Assembly on Monday 15 November. Our 2022 Prefects were announced and the 2021 Prefects handed over their roles.

Well done to our new prefects, and thank you to our outgoing Prefects for their work even through disruptions in the past year. Congratulations to Isabella Oliver-Clyne and Kowhai Luke who were named our Head Prefects for 2022

The list of prefects is here

Young Enterprise Scheme Regional Winners

Congratulations to the following Y13 Business Studies students who have claimed the title Lion Foundation Young Enterprise Scheme Wellington Region Company of the Year. Along with this, they have also won the award for Excellence in Enterprising Innovation, and a scholarship to study Business at Massey University. Sylvie Kynaston, Ava Richardson-Lane, Jess Corney, Sophie Robertson and Ella Watt (pictured) will be competing in the National Finals on 15 December.

Their business, Testli, is producing a date-rape drug detection stick which detects the presence of Rohypnol, a commonly used date-rape drug. Their vision is to aid in the prevention of drink spiking and drug-facilitated sexual assault. We look forward to following their success as they head off to university while continuing to develop their business.

International Students

The end of this school year marks the graduation of six of our international students. They have now been 'marooned' in New Zealand for the past two years and many are very excited to be going home to see their families. A few will stay in New Zealand and move on to university here, prolonging their family reunion by possibly another year. Their resilience and commitment to learning has been strong and at times challenging. We feel proud of all that they have achieved.

  • Keyu Chen is off to Otago University, having won a scholarship

  • Luna Lertvilai is off to Auckland University to study a Bachelor of Dance

  • Chi Dong will stay and study Computer Science in New Zealand

  • Hikaru Iwata and Nayu Kitamura will return to Japan and then progress on to tertiary study

  • King Srisuwanno will fly back to Thailand and start university there in 2022

We wish them a fond farewell and many good wishes in their next steps in life.

Yr12 Fashion on show

We have had on display in Reception area and in the Link building area, some of our Year 12 Fashion student work recently completed for a Dress Brief Assessments. Each student were allowed to give their individual interpretation., and these dresses on show were made by (from left): Scarlett James, Lizzy Spooner and Miya Dring Thorpe

ESL Student success

One of our previous ESL (English as a Second Language) students Teshalini Nathivarman who left Wellington East in 2019, has completed the first year of Health Sciences Degree in Otago, and has just been awarded the Bob Jones Scholarship which will fund the rest of her studies towards becoming a doctor. She has been receiving A grade average and has also been granted interviews for Dentistry. Her family arrived in 2016 and as a former English Language Learning student this is fantastic news.

Te Aka Class Camp - Term 3

Our Te Aka class undertook a Duke of Edinburgh Camp at Blue Mountain Adventure Centre during the last week of Term 3. Thank you to Sue Perry, Deb Remacha, Shannon Palmer Amber Cox, Nikhita Riches, and Maddie Meech and all our helpers for being involved in the event. Thanks again to Lydia Hare for making this fantastic video.

Manuka - our visiting pooch

Manuka the Standard Poodle has been visiting the school since he was 8 weeks old (he's now 7 and half months old). He is a Disability Assistance Dog (in training) with the organisation K9 SEARCH Medical Detection. Photos from playing with Te Aka students, from then till now and show how much he is calming and cuddly.

He has full public access (can visit anywhere the public can go e.g. cafes). His fur is low-allergy which is good for our students who may be sensitive to dogs. He visits weekly and is a benefit to the students and the school.

Staff Band "Achieved with Merit"

On Friday 5 November staff entertained the students at lunchtime with music : Achieved with Merit is a band made up of teachers from WEGC (and HHT) and they were working towards competing in the 'Battle of the Staff Bands' which was to take place at the San Fran in September and then November but Covid-19 had other ideas. Hopefully it will now take place next year.

All their songs have female name themes: "Valerie", "Lydia" and "Proud Mary" and they have been rehearsing in the Music Department on Wednesday after school. There is a mix of subject areas represented among them: Music, Languages, Maths, Science, PE/Health, TK, English, and He Huarahi Tamariki (HHT, our Teen Parent Unit based in Tawa).

Art Portfolio Exhibition 2021

The Art Department invited students and whanau to attend the Senior Art Exhibition on Friday 12 November. This showcased work from students in Painting, Photography, Design and Sculpture.

Image taken from our school magazine "Memnonian"

Janice Campbell QSO

Janice Campbell, a previous Principal of Wellington East, sadly passed away recently. Her funeral was held on Thursday 18 November but with a memorial service to be held at a later date, due to Covid restrictions.

Janice was born in 1941, lived in Island Bay and was a student at East from 1954 to 1958. After completing her Master of Arts degree at Victoria University she returned to Wellington East as a teacher in 1963, becoming Head of English in 1975. Janice went on to become Deputy Principal in 1979, and Principal in 1981. In 1999 Janice was awarded the Queen's Service Order for Services to Education. Janice finally retired after 26 years as Principal in 2007 being recognised as Wellingtonian of the Year for Education and ending a lifetime of service to the College. She can still be seen maintaining a watchful eye over the school from her portrait hanging in the vestibule.

Janice’s philosophy was that school should provide a broad education giving students social and moral responsibility and a sense of community. She maintained a keen interest in the success of the students here and was always been a strong supporter of the College; attending every Prizegiving following her retirement.

She was quoted in Memnonian (our school magazine) in 2007 saying “ If I made a list of all the things I should do in a day [...] I’d probably decide I couldn’t cope and would just fall over. You have to take a deep breath really. You’ve got to be prepared to work hard and the reward is it’s never boring.”

Sports at East

You can find information on all sports offered at East, as well as our latest achievements - the link is here and is also on our school website.

You can also check out Instagram and Facebook pages for WEGC Sport at @wegcsport www.facebook.com/wegcsport

We have had recent successes in Sport at College Sport and you can see this on their website here, with our Premier Futsal Team winning Team of the Year, and Hannah Geale gaining an a award for Service to Sport, and Badminton Player of the Year award to Alice Zheng

Unwanted Contact Online: Netsafe Tips

As part of a school-wide approach to cyber-safety, we are going to be posting one tip per newsletter on how you can support your child to be safe online. For more in-depth information, please visit Netsafe’s advice for parents at https://www.netsafe.org.nz/online-safety-parent-toolkit/.

What is 'Unwanted Contact' ?

Some people will pretend to be a young person and use a fake profile (similar to catfishing), while others might use their actual profile if they aren’t old themselves. They might pretend to have an interest in common, or to have a friend in common by looking at the young persons’ friend list on social media. This is part of the process of ‘grooming’.

How to prevent Unwanted Contact

It is important that your child knows that they can talk to you when something goes wrong online – no matter what happened or who caused it. Explain to your child:

  • How easy it is for someone to pretend to be someone else online

  • Reasons why people pretend to be someone else online

  • Ways to safely manage online friends

  • What to do if someone they don’t know wants to chat or become a friend

  • How to work out if the person is who they say they are

  • What to do if things start to become uncomfortable when talking to an online friend

  • How consent works and that pressuring someone or feeling pressured to do something sexual is not part of a healthy relationship

For more information and tips on this, go to Netsafe: https://www.netsafe.org.nz/grooming-and-online-predators/

Ways to help WEGC - Fundraising :

When you are shopping at Wellington City New World:Have your docket stamped at the time of purchase by a checkout Supervisor. Deposit your docket in the East drop box provided in the main entrance of New World. Duplicate receipts can be requested, at time of purchase, if the original is required. Every time you purchase products from New World Wellington City, they will pay the school 1.5% pa of the total $ sales value.

WEGC Entertainment Books

Summer Holiday Mode On! If you purchase a single city membership between 8pm 18 November 2021 and 9.59pm 9 January 2022 you will receive a free upgrade to a 12 month Multi City Membership.

Celebrate the summer season by discovering the local gems in our own backyard. You will find a number of dining options to suit all tastes as well as fun family activities and shopping experiences. 20% of each Membership sales goes directly to support Wellington East Girls’ College to help us ensure that all East girls have access to the same opportunities.

You can purchase your Membership here https://nz.entdigital.net/orderbooks/105u644

Welink Newsletter : Wellington East Girls' College, Austin Street, Mt Victoria 6011, Ph 385 8514, www.wegc.school.nz