Wellington East Girls' College  /    Te Kura Kōhine o te Rāwhiti o Te Upoko o Te Ika 


Rāwhiti Taukaea 

Issue 2,   Paenga-whāwhā  / April   2022  

Welink is a newsletter produced as a link between Wellington East Girls' College and our community, and is emailed to parents and students. It contains essential information as well as news for caregivers.  It is also on our website – www.wegc.school.nzPlease advise the school if you have changed your contact details, or would like to add an email address:  wegc@wegc.school.nz 

Principal's Message

Tēnā koutou kātoa

As we come to the end of the term I want to take this opportunity to thank whānau, staff and students for their ongoing support and commitment as we have navigated a new approach to learning. Hybrid has been challenging, however, we have learnt so much and have further improved our skills in engaging with students in an online environment.

Surveying students recently has highlighted how much they value coming into school and learning face to face with their teachers and peers. It has been so good to have students back on site.

The Red setting in schools has again limited the activities and events that we have been able to hold for students. I am pleased to announce that recent changes made to this setting by the Ministry of Education mean that events such as Kapa Haka, Poly Group and singing are able to recommence with ventilation and distancing requirements. This is such good news for our students who will now  be able to participate in the activities that they are passionate about.

You will have recently received a link to a survey from Poutama Pounamu for a programme called Rongohia te Hau. The survey is designed to help the staff and leadership find out more about your child’s experiences of school. This is part of our staff Professional Learning this year to further develop and grow our cultural competencies in our relationships with students and in our teaching. The survey has been extended to whānau, students and staff. The link is being re-shared so please do fill in the survey if you haven’t already done so  and please encourage your child to do so too.  The more data that we have the better!


Sadly, we have received resignations from Tamara Duncan, Hayley Robinson, Victoria Ferry and Nikita Hiroki, and we  wish them well in their new roles.


I hope that everyone enjoys the upcoming break and has the opportunity to rest and recharge.

Ngā mihi nui

Gael Ashworth,  Principal 

Board of Trustees 

Kia Ora Kōutou,

I hope that as parents and  whānau  you were able to get a good insight into your student's learning goals for the year as part of the learning recent conferences. Likewise, I hope that as students and learners you too were able to confidently describe and discuss your learning goals too.

Being able to define goals around learning is fundamental to developing Learner  Agency.  Students have a sense of 'agency' when they feel more in control of things that happen around them, when they feel they can influence events and are actively participating in their learning. Learner Agency is about acting rather than being acted upon; shaping rather than being shaped; and making responsible decisions and choices. As a student, when you have strong 'agency' you develop greater motivation and involvement in your own learning. 

Learning is continuous. As you develop into young adults, having the confidence to set high expectations for yourself, define your own  goals and then developing a plan to achieve them are pretty key sets of skills.  Skills that we all need to grow, work, and participate in our communities. 

Developing Learner Agency is key to how we support student achievement at WEGC and I encourage students to keep their parents and  Whānau up to date with their learning goals...…and students.... its ok for your parents and  whānau  to be a bit nosey and check in with you from time to time about how your goals are going.

Ngā mihi nui

Andrew Downes, Chair

Please see the Student Calendar below for student events coming up

Wellington East Parents' Association (WEPA)

Kia ora

We are hopeful with covid restrictions beginning to relax we will see a return to normality for our students and their involvement in extracurricular activities. This should see more funding applications coming our way. The following considerations are taken into account by the committee when assessing funding applications.

Allocation of Funds:

Funding requests approved at our March meeting include a contribution towards a defibrillator to be located by reception, financial assistance for our Te Aka students working towards their Duke of Edinburgh awards, and our regular breakfast club funding.

AGM Meeting invitation:

We have our AGM on 13 April. As always we welcome anyone who would like to attend the meeting and learn more about how we support the school. It will be held at 6pm in the staffroom at school. Please email parents@wegc.school.nz if you wish to attend.

Ngā mihi nui

WEPA committee

Dates for Year 9, 2023 Enrolment

We are accepting enrolments from beginning of Term 2 -  (2 May 2022) - all enrolments are to be completed online 

For planning purposes we request applications for students who live in our home zone, for entry into Year 9 in 2023, to be in the hands of WEGC Enrolment Officer by Monday 25 July 2022.  This is not a deadline.  In zone applications can be accepted at any time by the enrolment officer.

Open Evening  

Prospective Year 9 students - Wednesday 15 June 2022

WEGC Open Evening gives parents and students the opportunity to get a feel for the culture of the school and the subjects offered. Students lead tours and are available to answer your questions about our school. 

We are offering two tours - one at 4pm;  the other at 6pm.

We have limited numbers for this time slot due to the current alert level. Bookings are essential.

Open Day afternoon session 4pm


Open Day evening session 6pm


School Day in Action 

Prospective Year 9 students - Tuesday 14 June 2022

Come and see the school in Action.  School in Action is an event that will be held during the day and you will be able to see classes working in the school. We are holding two seminars of small group tours, led by our student leaders.

We have limited numbers for each session in the school due to the current alert level setting. There is only on-street coupon parking available.

Session 1 -  11:30 - 12:30


Session 2 -  2:00 - 3:00


Leadership Assembly held online : 15 February 2022

As we could not hold our usual Leadership assembly with the whole school attending, the decision was made to hold the event online, and invite parents/caregiver to attend via Team Meets.  Ms Ashworth spoke to the assembled prefects and the online viewers (parents and the rest of the school) about leadership, and the challenges and rewards of service, then introducing the Year 13 Dean Jakki Galloway to  announce half of the prefects, and the previous year Dean, Miranda Hurley to announce the remainder. 

 Isabella Oliver-Clyne and Kowhai Luke  were presented with the traditional korowai cloaks for the Head Students, and spoke of their vision for the prefects of 2022.  A musical piece, pre-recorded by the school ended the event.  Each new prefect had one parent/ caregiver attend an afternoon tea after school  to celebrate (to keep within COVID-19 restrictions) 

Head Prefects address the school assembly 

The Head Prefects presented with their korowai cloaks

Photo of pre-recorded whole school singing assembly 

Leadership in Youth Parliament 2022

Congratulations to Isabella Hargreaves Year 12, who has been selected as the youth MP for Deputy Prime Minister Grant Robertson  

The 10th New Zealand Youth Parliament will run from 1 March to 31 August 2022, with the parliament event held on 19 and 20 July 2022. It is an opportunity for students to learn about government, democracy and meet with other young leaders from around the country.  Youth Parliament is run by the Office of the Clerk and the Ministry of Youth Development – Te Manatū Whakahiato Taiohi, and is held every three years.

During the event in July the 120 youth MPs represent their communities, debate legislation, sit on select committees, and ask parliamentary questions of Ministers.  You can read more about it on the NZ Parliament website here

To apply for the role students were asked to make a video on an issue they would change if in a position of power. Isabella chose to discuss regulation of social media companies  to address mental health in New Zealand.  She will be going to a 2 day youth parliament event in April, and is currently meeting with Grant Robertson every month or so to work on community projects that they are developing. So far they are planning a conference between politicians and youth climate activists to have more constructive discussions and try to work together. Isabella is also currently writing the purpose clause of a draft bill around social media regulation in New Zealand and hopes to do a speech on the importance of this at the Youth Parliament general debate.  Lastly she is also working on a project to run subsidised classes aimed at improving youth mental health, such as yoga, meditation or surfing classes. 

Our prize winning Technology teacher 

Nan Walden - our Technology teacher, and Design and Evaluation Lead, has been awarded the TENZ Outstanding Teacher in Technology Education award, for her continued commitment and leadership within the area of Technology Education.  This award is made every two years to teachers who have displayed outstanding capability in teaching technology over a period of time. They may be a coordinator or Head of Department or those not holding such positions but consistently displaying excellence in their teaching practice.

Unfortunately, due to COVID Red Level protocols Nan couldn't receive the award in person from the TENZ Council, so she was presented this at school recently. 

Technology Education New Zealand (TENZ) was established in 1996 to foster the development of technology education in New Zealand schools and is a non profit professional, collaborative network, promoting and supporting all levels of technology education in New Zealand. 

LtoR: Emily Barnes, Nan Walden, Katherine Stokes  

Community links

We are committed to supporting and growing our links with our Refugee and Migrant community and working with community organisations to develop genuine, sustainable partnerships. One of these organisations is ChangeMakers Resettlement Forum. WEGC is delighted to host their series of Education in NZ workshops, starting in May, aimed to support our refugee and migrant families.   To be held on 7, 14, 21 and 28 May and 4 June - 12.30pm-4.30pm - at WEGC, to register contact jacqueline.wilton@crf.org.nz or 022 457 6839.  More information is below.

Balinese Dance teacher visit 

In February we had a visit from Evie Putu, an international Balinese dancer who is currently tutoring some of our Senior Dance students. She brought some costume items from the Indonesian Embassy to show us traditional performance costume, and ways of dance.  Many thanks Evie.

Clothing Donations for Year 13 YES Scheme business :  ārai 

We are ārai, a WEGC Lion Foundation Young Enterprise Scheme business, creating an SPF dry shampoo to protect scalps from the sun and conquer hair oiliness. To get this business up and running we’re on a mission to raise capital, our first project being a community second-hand clothing sale! We’re looking for quality clothing donations suited to any age/gender. This is a great opportunity to repurpose and recycle any unwanted clothing, shoes & accessories as well as find some great deals to stock your wardrobe for the upcoming winter!             


Additional  Information


Hope to see you all there.  Bring all your whānau and friends!

Contact us @arai.info.nz@gmail.com 

Follow our instagram @arai.spf

Duke of Edinburgh's Hillary Award 

Kia ora  kōutou, and welcome to the first update for the WEGC DOE programme for the year.


It is exciting to see a continued high number of students challenging themselves through participation in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award programme again this year, with 70 students enrolled to complete Bronze in 2022, a further 38 students working towards Silver and 32 students electing to take on the Gold Award (including 11 Te Aka students). Ka pai everyone - that’s an impressive commitment! 


To achieve the Award, students commit themselves to a set number of hours (dependent on Award level) of physical activity, skill learning and community service. In addition students complete two adventurous journeys. In 2021 seventy-three students achieved their Bronze Awards, 34 gained Silver and 3 students gained their Gold Awards. So far in 2022 thirty-five students have completed their Bronze, seventeen have completed Silver and one student, Renske Gordon, has completed her Gold Award. That’s a lot of success to celebrate! Students who have completed an Award level in 2022 are listed below and certificates and badges are available for collection at school (details sent separately). 

Adventure/Mahi mātātoa

After two years of managing to achieve all adventurous journeys in spite of Covid restrictions, the outbreak of Omicron has made things a little trickier in 2022. Thrown into the mix was the closure of the Catchpool campsite due to parliamentary protestors moving in right when our Bronze students were heading there - needless to say there was a very quick Plan B put in place! As this newsletter is being written half the Year 10 students have achieved a Bronze practice journey and it is hoped the remainder of the group will do theirs in May. Silver and Gold multi-night tramps are currently suspended until the Omicron sea is calmer.  

Te Aka Duke of Ed students however, have been determinedly marching on, busy practicing their hiking and cooking skills in preparation for their Gold expedition to the Abel Tasman in May. Watch this space for an awesome story (and maybe even a video) of challenge, achievement and fun in the next newsletter. Here’s hoping the weather gods smile for you, team! 🌞


In the current climate there are challenges in finding ways to serve others safely. One way students have found is helping out at the Miramar Prison Community Gardens. Each Sunday afternoon a subset of the group of 15 students volunteers turn up to mulch, weed, plant, make compost and occasionally sample the wonderful edible gardens produce. As a bonus they are also learning about the history of the gardens and Mt Crawford area through the stories and information shared by the Gardens coordinator, Patty Zais. It’s certainly a lovely way to spend a Sunday :) 

If you ever have any queries about the Award programme please do get in touch - it’s a personalised journey that takes you places! Kia kaha ki te haere tonu.

Nga mihi nui

Deb Remacha

Bronze Practice Tramp

Te Aka Students 

2022 Bronze Award Completion

Olivia Aitken; Betsy Bond; Violet Boniface; Annabel Barnsley; Amelia Brown; Lily Davies; Jessica Gault; Semhar Girmay; Vita Goodwin; Millie Holloway; Lily Johnston; Riya Lala; Sophie McKendry; Poppy McLaren;  Portia McLean; Kiri McNicholas; Kishiya Makan; Alexandra Mingardo; Tiya Naidoo; Sophie Park; Priysha Patel; Eleanor Powley; Josie O’Brien; Katia Reid; Poppy Reid; Saoirse Russell; Lauren St Just; Katie Simonlehner; Evie Simpson; Lucy Skogstad; Gemma Smith; Ella Strang; Maggie Taylor; Lucy Thorburn; Mila Townsend. 

2022 Silver Award Completion

Brooke Assur (Dec 2021); Maddie Brown (Dec 2021); Grace Buur; Talia Connell ; Gracie Gill; Charlize Grant; Anneke Griffiths-du-Plessis; Emma Groombridge; Natasha Hunt; Scarlett James (Dec 2021); Kate Johnson; Anna Knackstedt; Caitlin Leogreen (Dec 2021); Maddie Meech; Amelia Newman; Charlee Poole; Emma Shea; Sophia Sidoruk; Dot Smith; Melissa Smith; Phoebe Squire (Dec 2021); Holly Taylor-Smith; Neve Tassicker. 

Gold Award Completion (backdated to 2021)

Renske Gordon

Wanted ! Reader/writers needed to support students 

We need people who would be able to support throughout the year, during assessments and exams by reading questions, writing or typing answers and or supervising students. If you have some time available to help us please contact Bridget Dixon, Learning Support on bridget.dixon@wegc.school.nz for more information.  

Level 1 Year 11 - Physical Education Adventures 

The Level 1 Physical Education classes have had a busy but adventurous start to the year as we learn about safety behaviours in the outdoors. We had a beautiful ferry ride across the harbour to go mountain biking along the coast to Pencarrow lighthouse; and had some fun adventures paddle boarding and wharf jumping in the sunshine in Days Bay. Other trips this term include surfing at Lyall Bay and orienteering in Matairangi (Mt Victoria). These activities gave us the opportunity to get out of the classroom, have new and exciting experiences that were made with our classmates. They were safe and inclusive and gently pushed many outside their comfort zone. This enabled us to gain new skills, smile, laugh and have fun! 

To follow the PE, OE and students and their adventures, check out our Instagram page:  wegc_health_pe_oe

International Students - Homestays

In Term Three of this year we will see the gradual return of international students to New Zealand and into our school.  We are expecting a small cohort of Term-Three-only and longer term students to begin their study at Wellington East Girls' College.  We are in need of a few new homestay families and would love you to consider hosting a student.

Homestay families share their home with an international student, providing a bedroom, three meals a day and some caring hospitality.  Families have the full support of the school with a staff member on call 24 hours a day.  The fee for hosting in 2022 is $315 per week, rising to $320 in 2023.  

If you would like to find out more about hosting please make contact with us - international@wegc.school.nz   

Sports at East

There have been a  lot of sporting activities lately and great competitions that WEGC have been involved in.  You can check out Instagram  - @wegcsport  - and Facebook page for WEGC Sport at www.facebook.com/wegcsport 

You can find information on all sports offered at East - the link is here and is also on our school website.  

Ways to help WEGC - Fundraising : 

Entertainment Book 

Wellington East Girls’ College is selling Entertainment memberships. We are fundraising to ensure that all East girls are able to access the same opportunities. 20% of your Membership purchase comes directly to us!

Receive fantastic savings while you eat, play and shop with Entertainment. Memberships are convenient, easy to use and packed full of valuable 2 for 1 and up to 50% off offers for you and your family to use over any 12 month period from activation.

There are three different types of memberships:-

Buy a membership between 8:00pm 1 March 2022 and 11:59pm 18 April 2022 and get a bonus eGift card. Based on the Membership you purchase you will have two BONUS eGift Card options to choose from: A Macpac eGift Card or a Supercheap Auto eGift Card in the denomination assigned to the Membership product purchased.

Get yours today online by clicking the below link!


When you are shopping at Wellington City New World:Have your docket stamped at the time of purchase by a checkout Supervisor. Deposit your docket in the East drop box provided in the main entrance of New World. Duplicate receipts can be requested, at time of purchase, if the original is required. Every time you purchase products from New World Wellington City, they will pay the school 1.5% pa of the total $ sales value.

 Welink Newsletter : Wellington East Girls' College, Austin Street, Mt Victoria 6011, Ph 385 8514, www.wegc.school.nz