Welcome to the Wisconsin Retirement System!

Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) participation is automatic for all eligible employees, with coverage beginning on the first day an employee is eligible. The required 2023 contribution is 13.6% of your gross earnings— 6.8% employee share and a 6.8% employer share. This is deducted on a pre-tax basis. Your retirement income will be based on your years of service, your age at retirement, and the average of your highest three years of earnings or based on the total cash value of your account, whichever is greater. WRS also provides death, permanent disability, and separation benefits.

There is a vesting requirement if you were hired on or after July 1, 2011 and have no WRS credible service prior to July 1, 2011; for a full time employee, this takes about 5 years. You are immediately vested if you have WRS service prior to July 1, 2011.

WRS consists of a Core Fund and a Variable Fund. By default, 100% of retirement contributions are deposited in the Core Fund, which is a diversified fund with investments in stocks, bonds and more. If you elect to participate in the Variable Fund, 50% of the required contributions and additional contributions made after your election will be deposited in the Variable Fund. The Variable Fund is invested in stocks only. Unlike the Core Fund, there is no limit on Variable Fund annuity decreases.

Each year you will receive a Statement of Benefits from the WI Department of Employee Trust Funds, which contains important WRS account information that will eventually be used in benefit calculations. 

ETF Benefits Counseling

The Department of Employee Trust Funds offers benefits counseling appointments for active employees of the Wisconsin Retirement System. Before scheduling an appointment, you must request and receive a benefit estimate from ETF. To schedule an appointment, use the new appointment scheduling system or call ETF at 1-877-533-5020.

WRS Re-Hired Annuitants

If you have retired from a Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) employer and are collecting an annuity, there are restrictions in the amount of hours you can work when you return to a WRS employer.   If you have retired on or after July 2, 2013, you are restricted to working less than 880 hours within a 12 month rolling period of time.   First, if the employee is returning to the same employer, they must have a 75 day break in service before they return to work.   Please refer to ETF's Information for Rehired Annuitants document.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is it 880 hours in a school year?  No, the first 12 months is measured from your first pay check date to 12 months later.  At that time we look at your hours worked to see if you are under 880 hours.  If you are under, then your calendar becomes a rolling 12 months.  This means that the newest pay check hours are added to the total and the oldest are subtracted.  

When do my hours start over at zero after I've returned to work?  They never do unless you leave our employment for 12 months. 

If I work for Webster AND another school district, are my hours added together and reported to ETF?  No.  You can work 880 hours at Webster and 880 hours at another school district.