Student Wellbeing Toolkit
(Years 7-9)

Hi there, SIS students of Years 7-9!

On this website, you can learn about wellbeing, your supports at school and about the counselling services at SIS. 

You can also read some ideas on how to manage difficult feelings or support a friend.

Important: How to use this website 

This website only contains general information. If you are feeling worried, unsafe or unwell, we strongly encourage you to talk to a trusted adult. Speak to a parent or another family member, or someone you trust in school (like your tutor, another teacher, or one of our counsellors).

You can learn things from this website, but reading is not the same thing as getting real support in real life. Ask for support. We are here to help.

How are you feeling?

Understanding our feelings and how to respond to them is a skill we can all practice. It takes time. Explore how to practice this skill in this 3-step guide.

Concerned about a friend or peer? Wondering what you can do to help? Find out more about what you can do here.

We are here for you

There are many people at SIS who are here to support you: Your tutor, your Head of Year, and the counselling team – just to name a few!

How can counselling be helpful? What can students talk to a counsellor about? Find out more about counselling here.

At SIS, we have a wonderful counselling team. They are:

If you need someone to talk to, you are more than welcome to meet with one of our counsellors. They are here for you.

We all have mental health

What does mental health have in common with rainbows? Join Ms. Julianne Yang, in exploring this question. (Ms Julianne previously worked at SIS as our school counsellor) 

Just like physical health, we all have mental health. Having feelings is a normal part of life. Watch this video to learn more about how to cope with challenges, and why it's good to share how you feel.

Need someone to talk to? Click to learn about how to book a session to try counselling.