Counselling at SIS

What is counselling?

Did you know that students of all year groups, genders, and backgrounds use the counselling services at SIS?

Life is full of challenges. Counselling is a chance for you to talk about challenges with a kind and supportive adult in school. 

A counsellor is someone who can listen to you, understand you, and support you.

Talking to a counsellor can be a good option for students who do not feel ready to talk to a teacher.

What does a counsellor or school social worker do?

A counsellor or school social worker is someone who will:

A counsellor or school social worker is someone who is trained to listen and help people. They will show empathy, not make judgments, and support you.

What topics can I talk to a counsellor about?

You can talk to a counsellor about any personal challenge you are facing. It does not have to be about school.

Many students are stressed about school. Stress is something every person will experience from time to time, and a bit of stress can be healthy. However, sometimes students notice that their stress is becoming overwhelming. In times like these, students may find it helpful to talk to one of our counsellors, so they can discover and practice helpful coping strategies.

Other students try counselling because they want to learn how to handle other challenges. These challenges may be related to friendships, classmates, family, online safety, or other issues.

Common topics that students at SIS explore in counselling:

Who are the counsellors at SIS?

At SIS, we have four friendly and supportive social worker and counsellors. 

Ms Stephanie Wan

Ms Kamy

Ms Lorna

Ms Kate

How might counselling help me?

Counselling can help you to:

Are you sometimes confused by your own feelings? Do you want to learn how to understand your feelings? You can start by checking our 3-step guide to managing difficult feelings here.