Prospective Students & Parents

Sixth Form Prospectus 2024

Entry to the Sixth Form

For entry to the Sixth Form Centre, students will be expected to:

For more detailed information regarding entry to each  subject please click on the links below:

If you would like further information on the differences between A levels and IB Diploma, please see the information here:

Comparison of A level and IB Diploma Programme

Sixth Form Centre Virtual Taster Day

Please click here

Post 16 Transition Resources

Sixth Form Information Booklet: 

Sixth Form Student & Parent Handbook 2022

Sixth Form Information Evening

The Sixth Form Centre's Information Evening took place in November 2023.  Here's the presentation given by the Directors of Sixth Form Studies and the Principal.

Sixth Form Information Evening 23

Joint Presentation to Year 11 Students

The Joint Presentation given to Year 11 students  in October / November 2023 about their options can be found here.  We also have 2 further videos to show, one about the IB CP, and the other giving the student view of studying at the Sixth Form Centre.

Joint Talks.mp4

IB Career-related Programme

The student view of the Sixth Form Centre

Further Information

Curriculum offer from September 2017 in response to A Level Reforms 

A level Reform Letter

Sixth Form Dress Code

Sixth Form Dress Code Policy (updated Sept 2021).pdf