
We operate a healthy eating policy within the school, and the cafeteria menu changes on a daily basis.

The school cafeteria adheres to the Food in Guernsey Schools (FIGs) Standards. We have set up a School FIGs group and taking on board feedback from students, menus have been adapted for both break and lunchtimes. We hope that this will be a success and look forward to how we might further support the vendor, staff and students in facilitating affordable, healthy eating.

Further information has been published for parents/carers by the Education Department. Please click here to view the FIGS Standards. If you are interested in being part of the GGS&SFC FIGs group please e-mail

Please ensure students who bring a packed lunch that it adheres to the FIGs guidelines and refrain from giving fizzy drinks, chocolate and sweets.

Students in Years 7 - 11 are not permitted to leave the school premises at lunchtime without the agreement of both the school and their parents.

Heathy eating enables more effective learning!

The Health Improvement Commission has been supporting Secondary Schools to develop their menus to make them accessible to the school communities. Visit the website here.

Please note that pre-orders can be taken and sandwiches made to order. Orders for lunchtime should be made no later than breaktime the same day.