Surrealism (Portraiture)

Surrealism is a movement in art and literature that flourished in the early twentieth century (1920).

It aimed at expressing imaginative dreams and visions free from conscious rational control.

One of the defining stylistic characteristics of surrealism is the juxtaposition (complete opposites) of imagery.

Surreal Facts

Surrealism was influenced by other movements and modes of thought.

  • Its proponents were inspired by the theories and dream studies of the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud.
  • They also looked to the philosopher Karl Marx and his political ideas. In particular, they hoped that their works could trigger an unlocking of the self and bring about a revolution.

The movement owes its roots to the Dadaism movement, which was established the decade before.

  • Unlike Dadaism, however, the Surrealists took inspiration from the urban streets and from everyday life.
  • Surrealism also emphasized positive expression, as opposed to Dadaism’s nihilistic negative expression.

The movement gave birth to a number of techniques in the visual arts.

  • One example is frottage, which is placing a sheet of paper over a grained or textured surface and rubbing it over it with pencil or crayon, practiced by the German painter Max Ernst.
  • Another example is grattage, which is scraping pigment over a canvas that is lying atop another grained surface.

Surrealism as an organized movement died at the onset of World War II.

  • which forced many of its proponents to flee to the United States to avoid persecution. However, this only served to give the movement a new lease on life in the late 30s and 40s. Today, the surrealist aesthetic lives on in many works of art and even in pop culture.

Andre Breton - The leader of surrealism

  • 1896 - 1996
  • Born and grew up in France
  • Writer, poet, anti-fascist
  • Interested in thoughts in our minds, dreams and fantasies
  • He defined surrealism as 'pure psychic automatism'

Surreal Artists

Salvador Dali (1904-1989)

He was a prominent Spanish surrealist. Dali was a skilled Drafts-man. Best known for his striking and bizarre images in his work. He was a painter, drawer, photographer, sculptor, writing, filmmaker and jeweler. He studied fine Arts in Madrid. He was inspired by Einstein's work with relativity. He also made a short film with Walt Disney, called Destino.

Dorothea Tanning (1910-2012)

American painter, print maker, sculptor, poet and writer, her early work was influenced by surrealism

Eileen Agar (1899-1991)

British painter and photographer associated with the surrealist movement

Man Ray (1890-1976)

Rene Magritte (1898-1967)

Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)

Surrealistic Videos

Videos that can help you create surreal portraits:

Our Slideshow

Surrealism Portraiture