Abstract Photography

Year 9 - Spring Term

Year 9 - Photography Project - Scheme of work

Year 9 SOW 2018-2019

Homework 1 (Darkroom group) - Research working in the Darkroom and complete one slide each of your findings. Use the student examples in this slideshow for inspiration.

Homework 1 (Scanography group) - Research Xerox Art and create one slide each in this slideshow. Use the student examples in this slideshow for inspiration.

Xerox Art

Lesson 1 - Create Abstract Images. Walk inside and outside of the school and complete both tasks. Make sure that you collect one piece of coloured paper from your teacher.

Photography Task - Monday

Miss Carr's Scanography and Photoshop Examples

Check out the slideshow above for Scanography Examples - these are the type of images you are going to make on the Scanner.

Student/ Teacher Photogram Examples

Check out the slideshow above for Reflective Photogram examples - these are the type of images you are going to make in the Darkroom.

Year 9 - How to Scan

Check out this Slide for a step-by-step guide on how to use the scanners.

Drip-Developer Examples

And this Slide for some examples of work produced by other students.