Miss Keller 2023-2024                                                                                              alison.keller@wcsdny.org

Header Artwork by MacKayleh L. Grade 11 Digital Art

Welcome back!!!

I hope everyone had a relaxing and restful Winter break filled with good health and creativity! We will be finishing out Quarter 2 working on acrylic and watercolor painting, layer blend modes, and some yarn painting critters!

Class Schedule 2023-2024

Period 1: Studio in Art : Digital Painting

Period 2: Duty

Period 3 : Designworks (Half Year)

Period 4: See me to schedule extra help

Period 5 : Designworks (Half Year)

Period 6 : Studio in Art : Digital Painting

Period 7: See me to schedule extra help

Period 8 : Studio in Art : 3D Design

Artwork by Layla K., 9th Grade Digital Art


We are always looking for the following clean recycled goods to use in class.