Miss Keller 2023-2024 alison.keller@wcsdny.org
Header Artwork by MacKayleh L. Grade 11 Digital Art
Welcome back!!!
I hope everyone had a relaxing and restful Winter break filled with good health and creativity! We will be finishing out Quarter 2 working on acrylic and watercolor painting, layer blend modes, and some yarn painting critters!
Class Schedule 2023-2024
Period 1: Studio in Art : Digital Painting
Period 2: Duty
Period 3 : Designworks (Half Year)
Period 4: See me to schedule extra help
Period 5 : Designworks (Half Year)
Period 6 : Studio in Art : Digital Painting
Period 7: See me to schedule extra help
Period 8 : Studio in Art : 3D Design
Artwork by Layla K., 9th Grade Digital Art
We are always looking for the following clean recycled goods to use in class.
School appropriate magazines
Coffee Cans
Egg Cartons
Take-Out Containers
Large Yogurt Cups