Weekly Do Now Questions

Week 9- June 3rd-7th

Monday: Think back to our mental health unit….Why do you think drugs have the effects that they do on our brain/body? 

Tuesday: What do you ALREADY know about tobacco and vaping? Bullet as many things as you can think of. 

Wednesday: What is the addictive drug in tobacco & vaping products?



Week 8- May 27th-31st

 No Do Now This Week (3 Day Week with Philly Trip)  

Week 7- May 20th-24th

Monday:  Rate your overall eating habits on a scale from 1-10 (1 being poor diet; 10 being balanced diet, proper portions, and little junk food)

Tuesday: Critique the meal: What is good/bad about it What substitutions can be made to make it more nutritious? (white bread, kraft singles cheese, cold cuts, and orange soda) 

Wednesday: Set one S.M.A.R.T. goal to improve your eating habits (one statement but be sure it is specific, measureable, realistic, and timely) 

Thursday: No School! Give Back Day!

Friday: No School-Memorial Day Weekend :)

Week 6- May 13th-17th

 No Do Now This Week (In Library completing disease project)  

Week 6- May 13th-17th

 No Do Now This Week (In Library completing disease project)  

Week 5- May 6th-10th

Monday:  Name 3 of the 6 main nutrient groups we discussed in class Friday

Tuesday: What percent of added sugars for the day is this low-fat chocolate milk label giving? Is it high or low? 

Wednesday: Give 2 consequences of too much added sugar in the diet. 

~Give 1 realistic tip to help a person lower their sugar intake

Thursday: No Do Now-In Library

Friday: No Do Now-In Library

Week 4- April 29th-May 3rd

MondayNo Do Now! Testing Day

Tuesday: No Do Now! Guest speaker today

Wednesday:  What does a healthy diet look like? What behaviors, habits, and types of food should we consider? 

Thursday: Which factor(s) play the biggest role in YOUR personal food choices? 

(Advertising; Peer Pressure; Cost; Medical Reason; Convenience/Availability; Knowledge of Nutrition; Family and Culture; Mood

Friday: Summarize from video clip-How does the food we eat affect our mental health and brain?  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyQY8a-ng6g 

Week 3- April 22nd-26th

Monday:  1.Grade your QUANTITY of sleep ...do you get enough hours? (A, B, C, D, or F)

2. Grade your QUALITY of sleep...how well you sleep. (A, B, C, D, or F)

Tuesday: Recall from yesterday’s lesson: What is the recommended amount of sleep needed for kids your age? 

Wednesday: Give 2 tips to improving sleep quality….one you can do at night, and one you can do during the day. 

Thursday: Write down 1 thing you already know about mental illness

2. What is something you want to know more about?

Friday: Give 2 signs it may be time to speak to a professional about a mental health concern. 

Week 2- April 15th-19th

MondayNo written Do Now-completed Google Form in Google Classroom 

Tuesday: What healthy coping strategies do you currently have in place when you feel sad, worried, angry, etc? Name one more thing you can add to help manage things more effectively. 

Wednesday:  Completed 1 deep breathing relaxation technique and filled in how they felt before and then after practicing it. 

Thursday: Completed Progressive Muscle relaxation technique and filled in how they felt before and then after practicing it.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZ9PHsbt-m4&t=2s

Friday: What do you think the moral of the story was here? 

THE CHOICE (Short Animated Movie)

Week 1- April 8th-12th

Monday: Tell me 1 (or more!) things you think I should know about you

Tuesday: In your own words, what does it mean to be "healthy"? What things do you think influence our health the most? 

Wednesday: Recall the 3 sides of "The Health Triangle" 

Thursday: One way to work on Growth Mindset is to set specific, measurable, realistic goals. 

What are some academic and personal goals you want to reach this year in 7th grade? 

(give at least 1 specific academic and 1 specific personal)

Friday: Give the “3 steps to managing big emotions” from the video:

 Coping Skills For Kids - Managing Feelings & Emotions For Elementary-Middle School | Self-Regulation