Classroom Rules and Expectations

Ms. Holzman’s Classroom Expectations

1. Respect others, yourself, and all school property. This includes:

~ Listening to others ideas/opinions

~Raising your hand during class discussion

~Using appropriate language. No swear words or verbally abusive language

~Keeping your hands and feet to yourself at all times

~Not damaging or defacing personal or school property

~Giving full attention to whoever is speaking

2. Bring all books and materials to class

3. Be on time. This means in your assigned seat AND completing the “DoNow” activities when the bell rings.

4. Keep voices at a reasonable level (PBIS #1) during group work

5. Put all personal electronics away during class (unless told otherwise)

NOTE: If something is a school rule, it is also a class rule! This applies to gum, food and drinks, etc. Use PBIS guidelines at all times-Be respectful, be responsible, be safe!