
Hi. I am Ashley Qiu. I am currently a sophomore at John Jay.

Last year in FBLA, I was able to work on public speaking, group coordination/cooperation, and other important skills for running or working in a business. I participated in community events and took on a leadership role in running Winter Carnival, even as a freshman. FBLA lets you experience not only business skills, but the connections and bonds created from working on a team. FBLA allowed me to make many new friends throughout my first year of high school and grow as a person and a student.

This year, I am looking forward to being an officer. My goals for 2019-2020 are to provide leadership for our chapter to expand on accomplishments from previous years including getting new recruits, completing local and New York State "Programs of Work", and improving our standing in the NYS Chapter of the Year competition. Beat Mamaroneck!

Hi. I am Aryan Gupta. I am currently a junior. I have been in FBLA since freshman year.

This club has given me the opportunity to see the real world from a perspective that I did not look through before actually diving deep into FBLA. When I first joined this club I was very disorganized and not as confident in what I did. But after going to my first competition and looking at the atmosphere and the people around me, I actually started to mature, and I wanted to get even better. I learned about the dress code for business meetings and how the business world actually operates. After many many criticisms about my organization skills, I matured and learned to be more organized. This club has let me grow perfectly because of the atmosphere and what this club actually does.

I have participated in regional, state, and national competitions for two years. Through these competitions, I have met many people from John Jay and other schools who have become good friends.

FBLA has been awesome. I am looking forward to being an officer this year.